

Why I am a Spiritualist” by Scottish author Ada A McKay. this book is now free apart from p&p



Teachings from the Past Wisdom for the Present.

By Debra Skelton.

Whatever your beliefs and whatever your calling, here you will find a highly readable glimpse into the minds and passions of those spiritual seekers who came before us and be touched by the startling relevance of their wisdom for your own life in today’s world.

The Infinite Stream: Daily thoughts from White Feather Kindle Edition.

The long awaited book of daily thoughts from the spirit sage White Feather. If you enjoy reading books containing short meditations or inspirational quotes of spiritual wisdom, this latest offering compiled by Robert & Amanda Goodwin will be sure to delight all followers of the famous spirit sage. This is the kind of book that you can dip in and out of and contains many ‘one liners’ as well as longer passages of sublime wisdom. Ideal for beginners and advanced students of spiritual philosophy.


The Golden Thread 

by Robert Goodwin.(Author)
“The Golden Thread” – trance teachings from White Feather, first published in 1999 has now been updated and republished. Available from the White Feather website (or for e-readers from Amazon) 
A book that will interest many. 
The second and perhaps most loved book of spiritual teachings from White Feather, given through the mediumship of Robert Goodwin. These have been compared favourably to those of Silver Birch and are reproduced verbatim from the guide’s public talks. Many thousands of questions have been put to the sage over a forty year period, each one met with an immediate, concise answer, whatever the complexity of the subject. For those who are seeking answers to age old questions of life and death and the nature of reality, this book will provide many answers.


“The God Connection”.  Divine love in the writings of Thomas and Philip.  By David Gordon Wilson.  David is a well known Spiritualist Medium, Healer and author.  

This book can be purchased from David at 97 St. Loy’s Road, London N17 6UE.  The cover price for the book is £7.95 & a total of £10 to cover postage & packing to UK addresses.


“Discovering the Christ Light” by David Gordon Wilson
Have you ever wondered what people mean when they talk about divine light, God or spirit? What do mediums do when they work with spirit? Have you ever wondered what happened 2000 years ago to create a movement that took the world by storm? This book tells you.
Discovering the Christ Light is a description of spiritualism and mediumship that recovers the teachings that should stand at the heart of Christianity and which were originally taught. True spirituality is simply an awareness of spirit. This book is a restatement of the Christian understanding of spirit that brings to light the truths hinted at and obscured by traditional dogma.
Discovering the Christ Light is aimed at those interested in knowing more about mediumship and the teachings of the higher guides in spirit and at those who are seeking to develop their understanding and spirituality, regardless of religious background. This book will also be of interest to those who are keen to explore various forms of personal religious experience.

This book is not only for those who might describe themselves as Christian or Spiritualist. Truth speaks to everyone and this is a book based on experience and a willingness to trust in reality of that experience. The author is a former City solicitor, who lived in the Middle East for a decade and is now a spiritualist medium and healer based in Edinburgh. 

“A Spiritual Journey by Bernice Winstanley

Bernice Anna Winstanley was born in the USA and came to Edinburgh with her mother when she was 16 months old. She was brought up in a very strict Catholic household and attended the local Catholic church and school. After leaving school at the age of 14 years Bernice no longer felt at one with her religion and stopped being a practicing catholic. She became interested in Spiritualism when she was 24 years old and almost immediately started working as a clairvoyant.
Her love for the movement was everything to her and it soon became the centre of her life. In combining her earlier teachings with her ongoing spiritual teachings she felt she had found the perfect balance in life.
The association she had with her doorkeeper Cabaneamba and her other guides from spirit was very close. She loved helping people to understand the true meaning of spiritualism through her work and never lost her tremendous enthusiasm. Bernice is never happier than when she is working as a medium. Spiritualism is her life’s work.

She was president of the Portobello Spiritualist Church from 1979 to the year 2000. In 1987 after she retired from her employment as a Housing Officer, she became the Minister of the Church.

She has for some time considered writing about how she became involved in spiritualism and at the age of 75 with over 50 years experience as a clairvoyant medium decided it was time to put pen to paper. She hopes that whoever reads her story gains an insight into how intertwined we are all with the world of spirit.
The following publications  are available from the Portobello Spiriualist church – 20a Bath Street, EDINBURGH, UK EH15 1HD  |  tel. 0131 669 4780  |  |  
. Each book is £5.99 (excl. postage & packing).


“Why I am a Spiritualist” by Scottish author Ada A McKay. this book is now free apart from p&p


The Comprehensive Guide to Self Awareness – Guidance from the Source.” by Beatrice McCaig   

Beatrice is a Scottish Psychic, Medium, Researcher and Tutor.  This is a book that I highly recommend.  It is a truly comprehensive guide and is not stuffy like some books in this vein.  There is something in the book for everyone.  Beatrice sharing her experiences as a working medium in today’s world.  Development exercises, fun quizzes and hilarious anecdotes.  What will be of great interest to newcomers – ‘guidance on how to find the right development group’. From plain psychic to deep trance and ectoplasm it is all explained in this book.

The book can only be obtained through Beatrice’s web site.  Price £9.99


“The Best of Chief Dan George”

This book combines the two best sellers ‘My Heart Soars’ and ‘My Spirit Soars’ in one volume, eloquently illustrated throughout by Helmut Hirnschall. Included in this edition is the Lament for Confederation by Chief Dan George. Poetic and spiritual, this book has a universal message to all people. Chief Dan George was an accomplished performer, poet, philosopher, champion of Native peoples and loving patriarch of a large family.

A friend – Susie Mathews has had two interesting books published; –

And here are Susie’s comments on her first book Inspirations of the Divine”.

Hello my name is Susie. I am lucky to have the gift of Mediumship and also the gift of Inspired Poetry and Writings. It has taken me a very long time to develop my Mediumship and even longer to develop the inspired Poetry and Writings. Coming from a family that had no money, I never had the finances to attend workshops or buy books or any of the other means that would help me develop. So therefore I could not afford to sit in circle. It is with Love and thanks to my Spiritual Guides and family in the Spirit World that have shown the upmost patience with me, that I have developed. They are the ones that have developed me. It has, until the last eighteen months, been just them and me. I am now trying to offer to others that which I never had by making Circles, beginners groups and this book as affordable as possible. Therefore giving them the opportunity to learn and develop in a safe controlled way while still not costing a fortune.

Susie’s second publication “A Question of Divine Inspiration”

The ISBN is 978146788209-5.  The book is about my Susie’s life, with questions and answers on Spiritualism/religion/philosophy and more.  Also an extract from on Susie’s Trance Circle.    


As I mentioned in my blogI have been reading a book this week that at first glance one may not think to be Spiritual, but it probably is more spiritual than many books actually written on the subject.

“Hannah: The Complete Story” by Hannah Hauxwell with Barry Cockcroft…

Here are some more of Miss  Hannah Hauxwell’s books… 80 Years in the Dales…. Seasons of My Lif… Hannah’s North Country Innocent Abroad… The Travels of Miss Daughter of the Dales…: The World of Hannah Hauxwell…. Hannah’s North Country…


Fifty Years a Medium:  The Autobiography of Estelle Roberts….. by Estelle Roberts…..

An excellent book for newcomers to spiritualism and those more advanced souls wishing to further their knowledge


My Spiritual Autobiography”  
His Holiness the Dalai Lama….
Cygnus Books….


“God’s Psychiatry” by Charles L Allen.


Gordon Higginson’s authorized biography “One the Side of Angels” written by Jean Bassett


Another piece of music I have used in meditation classes and I have had good feed back with is:-

The Cosmos Theme by Vangelis.


Expecting Adam by Martha Beck

Expecting Adam is an autobiographical tale of an academically oriented Harvard couple who conceive a baby with Down’s syndrome and decide to carry him to term. Despite everything Martha Beck and her husband John know about themselves and their belief system, when Martha gets accidentally pregnant and the fetus is discovered to have Down’s syndrome, the Becks find they cannot even consider abortion. The presence of the fetus that they each, privately, believe is a familiar being named Adam is too strong. As Martha’s terribly difficult pregnancy progresses, odd coincidences and paranormal experiences begin to occur for both Martha and John, though for months they don’t share them with each other. Martha’s pregnancy and Adam (once born) become the catalyst for tremendous life changes for the Becks.



“Don’t Kiss Them Goodbye” by Alison Dubois…


“From Spirit With Love” by Annette Lavelle.
Anyone wishing to purchase this illustrated book of poems please contact


I constantly get asked by those wanting to know more about their spiritual awareness “Could you recommend a book on the subject?” I more often than not refer to books written in the 80’s and 90’s by the likes of Doris Stokes.  Doris passed to the spirit world in 1987 yet is still talked about in Spiritualist and non spiritualist circles around the world. 

I would recommend any of her books…

Voices in my Ear.

More Voices in my Ear.

Innocent Voices in my Ear.

Whispering Voices

Voices of Love

Joyful Voices.


“Two Worlds of Helen Duncan” by Gena Brealey and Kay Hunter.


“Helen Duncan, My Living Has Not Been In Vain” by Scottish Medium Mary Armour”.



We all have our likes and dislikes in music.  It can take a while to find that exact piece of music that is just right for you to meditate too, or a piece of music that inspires you. 

The tune that has really inspired me since 1962 to the present has been The Shadow’s Wonderful Land.  Two years ago I stumbled across Mike Oldfield’s version and now that is the one I play when ever I feel I need to be inspired

For meditating I find that The Shadows again come to my rescue with Atlantis being played softly in the background.

I am not saying that Wonderful Land and Atlantis will put you in the right mood for whatever, but listen to them and then go and search for your special music.