Eddie Docherty…

….Eddie Docherty….

The 21st of this month was the fifth anniversary of the passing of one of the most popular mediums in west/central Scotland and also Australia, Eddie Docherty. Eddie passed a month before his 58th birthday. The words “A great ambassador for Spirit” is often used these days, Eddie earned that title with his tireless work for Spirit and giving comfort to those who came to him for help. Eddie was very ill at the end of his life but strove so hard to fulfil his bookings at churches for as long as he could.

It was my sixth visit to a Spiritualist church when I first saw Eddie on the platform. He was not alone, at that time he shared the platform with Len Alleyne, Len giving the address and Eddie the clairvoyance. Although I had been impressed with all the mediums I had seen, on the platform, this night were two very special gentlemen. Before that night I had looked on those who could communicate with Spirit as being magical and mystical yet here were two very ordinary people who were so down to earth. And what impressed me even more was that after the Service, Eddie and Len sat in the kitchen with the rest of the congregation. Up to this point all the mediums I had seen, disappeared to a room with the committee for their cup of tea.

 Len, I believe hailed from Barbados and had served in the R.A.F. This jolly man sadly passed away within a couple of years of me meeting him and Eddie found himself alone on the platform. Both men had complimented each other very well, to the delight of congregations. This was around the time when I was starting out taking services at our churches and there is one evening I will never forget.

I was booked to take a service at a church, and on the way there I dropped in at the church I was a member of, for a few moments. It was dark and as I approached the church I saw Eddie, but not the Eddie I had come to know. This was one of the few times I had seen him with no smile on his face and he was shaking like a leaf. I asked him what was wrong and he said that having to do an address on his own really was getting to him, he missed Len. I immediately said “Eddie, here is me worrying about my prayers, address and clairvoyance, you have made me feel so much better seeing you of all people in such a state.” I worried about my comments for a long time afterwards; I felt I had been really out of place. It was many years later that I mentioned this to Eddie and he said he also remembered that night. He had not thought my words were out of place, infact they had inspired him to get over his fear of addresses.

Eddie had a dream, a dream that was fulfilled on Sunday 15th July 2001, which was the first night The Friendship of Love and Light Spiritualist Church opened its doors. This was not just to be a church, but a church that was fun loving and would raise money to put back into the community. This was a great day for Eddie as he had finally made his dream a reality. Eddie lived for his church and the Spiritualist movement; he was truly a great medium. He always aimed to bring help and comfort to many people from all walks of life, whether it was through his gifts of the spirit or that cheeky smile that he so often adorned.

Sadly, only a few years after Eddie’s dream materialised his health started to fail, but not before this church was a little oasis for all who needed help. It was fitting that the cremation service was taken by a medium, church member and friend, Paul Erroch. The big turnout was no surprise as Eddie had touched the life of so many people

Eddie’s church is in good hands and President Doreen Polson, along with the committe members, Annette Lavelle, Linda Walker, Kathleen McGinty, Mary McDonald, Sandra Patterson, Anne and David McAlpine.

Rather than me prattling on I felt it right to let others who knew Eddie, have their say too.

Maureen Brown – “Eddie was a legend; he will always be missed….

Sandra Patterson – “I joined the circle after Eddie had passed but was fortunate to meet him at the night Maryhill had for him (to send him and his sister Maureen away for a wee holiday) even although I didn’t sit in his circle, I do know he’s there on a Sunday and feel his presence often and know he is a lovely soul.”

Linda Walker – “Eddie was an inspirational teacher; he loved to watch as natural talents progressed and developed, as we learned to tune in and to work with spirit. He was the most unassuming person, in respect of his mediumship, he worked for spirit. As a person, he was like everyone else, human, he was our best friend,”

Jojo Carr“He was always there when I was down, he taught me right from wrong, but most of all he taught me what I know today. I love and miss you Eddie, more than words can say.”

John Beattie – “Eddie had his own unique way of working & was a really nice guy who would help anyone. He h ad a lot of respect from all churches.”

Caroline Blair – “I would like to say that Eddie was a inspiration by answering all the questions I had about spiritualism. He also told me about A.S.K. Dreghorn, so I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the spiritual journey that he helped me find.

Bob Macintosh – “Although I didn’t get to know Eddie Docherty as well as I’d like to have done, I have several happy memories of chairing a service for Eddie, when he was giving a demonstration of mediumship. I remember Eddie Docherty as a worker who was respectful of those he worked with – on both sides of life – a man who knew exactly when and when not to use humour when working the platform – a true inspiration.”
Sadly for us pancreatic cancer called Eddie to the Spirit World. Not to be thwarted from his new position on the other side of the veil – he still managed to get a message through to several of us who were blessed to be sitting in an open circle that evening. I will always remember Eddie Docherty with fondness, as a tireless worker and terrific ambassador to our movement – may his soul find everlasting
peace, joy and contentment.”

Kerry New – “I sadly never had the chance to meet Eddie; I think he passed over just before I came into the Spiritualist movement, 4 years ago. However, I have attended the last 2 “specials” to celebrate his life at the church he founded at Foxbar and it’s obvious that the people there love him very much.”

Angela Hodgkinson – “In a few words I would say Eddie was a great man and a true ambassador for spiritualism.”

Stephanie Roy – “He was an inspiration to everyone he met and a genuine ambassador for Spirit”.

Ellen McCann – “Eddie was one of the best people who cared for others and he didn’t know how much people’s hearts he touch in all the years he was in the movement and he was loved by everyone”.

Jacqueline ColemanI only had the pleasure of meeting Eddie a few times but he seemed to me a man with a big heart,”

Sarah Wood – “I heard a lot about Eddie when I was at Caroline’s church, she thought very highly of him and I see from Facebook how much he was respected by all who knew him”.

Mary McDonald – “He was a very nice loving man, our Eddie, l miss him loads and a great worker for Spirit. God bless him.”

Margaret Jamieson – “Eddie is so sadly missed.”

The above comments show how much respect that others had for Eddie, once he touched your life, you never forgot him.

Eddie never wrote a book, but how many mediums who become authors, will be remembered like this, once the reader has read the last page of the book?

Eddie’s name never appeared in bright lights above a theatre, but how many mediums that travel the theatre circuit will be remembered five years after the curtain comes down?

 Eddie, a good friend, missed by all.

Annette Lavelle, a good friend to Eddie and on the church committee has had several of her poems on this site, so this time I thought I would give another committee member and someone new to Spiritual poetry, Sandra Patterson a chance. See Poetry page…

Also Linda Walker, the Churches’ Psychic Artist has two of her drawings on the photograph’s page.

On Sunday 3rd July it was a pleasure to take the service at The Friendship of love and Light Spiritualist Church, Foxbar, Paisley.  This church was founded by Eddie Docherty, who I will be mentioning on this blog either next week or the following week.

The following day I reluctantly had to cancel a booking at Spiritwise Spiritualist Church, Muirkirk.  I never like to cancel a booking and seldom do, but although I tried to change this personal appointment it was impossible to do so.   My apologise to Robert, Kate and the Muirkirk congregation. After my appointment was over I was not that far from the church I was at the evening before so I just made it with a few minutes to spare to sit in their circle.

Then on the 7th it was my first visit not only to the Bo’ness Spiritualist Church but also to Bo’ness it’s self.  Thanks to Barbara and her committee who all gave me a friendly welcome.  Maybe one day i will have time to explore the town which has an interesting history.


Stan asks “Why does Spiritualist churches close during the summer?”

Not all spiritualist churches close during the summer, only a few do so.  With most it is usually only for two or three weeks during the local summer holiday period  We have to remember that all our churches are run by volunteer committees and those with small committees would not have sufficient numbers on duty during some weeks in the summer.   But Spiritualist churches are not the only churches to close at this time.  There are churches of the mainstream religions that have joint services with a sister church so that one can close one month and the other the following month.  With so many Spiritualist Churches in Scotland if one near you closes there should be another that is open not too far away.


Being retired I have time to do voluntary work and I have great admiration for those who do a hard day’s work and then go out and do some form of voluntary work.  In the past few weeks I have been amazed at those I know who are going to give up some of their leisure time to help those unfortunate than themselves.  The areas they have chosen are befriending, and helping those with learning, mental or physical disabilities.  Also a friend, whose cat passed away a few weeks ago, is going to apply to foster cats when their owners are in hospital etc.  The country would be a poorer place without the volunteers.


Chief Seattle, 1786 – 1866, spoke of religion in his famous speech:

Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors, the dreams of our old men, given them by the great Spirit, and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people.”

All tribes believe in a Supreme Being which they call by different names depending on their culture: The Creator, Wakan Tanan, The Great Spirit, The Great Mystery, The One, Grandfather, and many other names. They all mean the same – The Supreme Being , the Creator of all life and nature.

There is not a religion called Native American . Their religious beliefs are cultural, based on each individual tribal customs and traditions. Not all tribes speak the same language and not all tribes have the same identical beliefs. Protestants, Baptists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Catholics, Jewish, etc., all believe in God, but do not all have the identical beliefs. This is true of Native Americans also”.

As I said only a few weeks ago, wise words spoken so long ago and yet mankind has not listened. Why can religions not live in harmony, if they are all worshiping the same Supreme Being? Thankfully there are many in all religions who strive to understand each other’s ways, and live in peace and harmony with them. But there will always be those who not only believe that their way is the right and only way to God, but they try and force their way on others. At times via the gun, the bullet or the fist.

Maybe all this will slowly disappear as younger generations grow up and think for themselves.  Not being brainwashed like has happened in the past. They will become part of a religion because they feel is right for them.  Attending a church of their own free will, rather than have to attend a church because they were born into that religion.

In the twenty years I have been in Spiritualism I have see a massive improvement in the way that the general public look on Spiritualism and how other religions are more tolerable towards us.  Let us hope that this trend continues and that if there is a step back to the old ways, we will not be responsible for this.  We all must put Spiritualism the Religion before our one own desires and to separate our religion from entertainment.

Spiritualism has waited on the other religions mellowing towards us, but is it not time that we play our part in having closer relations with other local churches.  I don’t mean the SNU, Greater World, and other Spiritualist organizations which should also be striving towards this, but each individual church having closer ties with other churches in the area.

Like Christian Spiritualist Churches making it known that they would like to be part of services on Christmas Eve where local churches have a joint service.  Of course our participation would not include clairvoyance.

Laying a wreath at the local Cenotaph h on Remembrance Day.  I know some churches either attend or have applied take part in the Service of Remembrance.

Joint coffee mornings for a local charity…

While at ASK, Stewarton, we had representatives of the Quakers, I think I have got it right in saying an American Minister of the Unitarian Church.,more than one Buddhist Lama* giving us an insight into their beliefs.  In turn several ASK members accepted the invite along to their places of worship. 

We can all play our own little part to achieve better understanding between all Religions of this world.

*In the past year, ASK< Dreghorn and The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists have hand Buddhist Lama giving a talk and answering questions.

Tuesday 27th saw me visit a family who were putting all the bad luck that has been surrounding them, down to the house they had moved into two years ago.   

I must admit that when I sat down in the living room I felt a bit flustered and fed up, but that could have been down to me sitting in a traffic jam for thirty minutes and then another thirty minutes of trying to find the address. 

So, why was this house being labelled an “unlucky house”?

The family were happy for me to put this on the blog and they were given the opportunity to change anything I had written

The father had lost his job six months after moving into the house, with his wife also becoming unemployed a few months later.  Neither has been able to get the same quality of work since in fact both are unemployed at the moment.  The son, who was promised a job on leaving college, found out it the post was no longer available.  The daughter who had always done well in exams had failed miserably when it came to the exams that really counted… Add to that two car accidents with the car, the first accidents with any vehicle they’ve ever owned, and several health problems to add to their woes…  One can understand why the family had felt that everything had went downhill since they moved house, but had their problems anything  to do with the building?

As I walked around the house all I could detect was a great deal of negative activity, but from any spirit connection?  I did not think so.  The family then told me that they had another medium out who said he had cleared the house of all Spirits, but he had not done a good job as conditions around the family remained the same.  This medium had not asked any questions but just did his thing and left. 

I gave the house a blessing and then went on to suggest to the family that what had happened to them in the past two years could be more to do with the financial and work situations that is affecting the country at the moment rather, than anything to do with the house… That could be the cause of the situations surrounding three of them, and the fourth, the daughter, may have taken her eye of the ball as far as studying was concerned.  Then I told them like I always do in such situations, never to believe what any medium says, including myself, unless it makes sense to them in some way.

The family then said that when they come to think of the wider picture many families in the area had several members who were out of a job, and that health problems and a boyfriend could be more to do with their daughter failing her exams.

It is easy to put the negative situations down to some form of paranormal activity, but before we do that we should always look towards logic first.  If logic cannot explain what is going on then we can start looking in other directions.

I will keep in touch with the family and see how things go with them but I am sure their problems have nothing to do with where they live.  I could be proved wrong, but let us wait and see.



 Wednesday 29th I paid my first visit to Edinburgh’s Psychic College and what a great welcome I received from the committee and congregation.

The minute I stepped through the door I was met with a lovely atmosphere.  It was like going back in time, high ceilings with many portraits hanging on the walls, of those who had worked hard for the College in years gone by.   A new committee has recently taken over at the College so let us wish them luck as they start off on a new era for the College…

The College has a very interesting web site which I believe will be updated at the end of the month… Wait till then and then take a look at it.  www.edinburghpsychiccollege.com/


The following evening I attended the Larkfield Spiritualist Church in Blantyre.  One might have expected the good weather would have meant a drop in the numbers attending but that was not the case.  The local community have supported this church since it opened over four years ago.  President Jackie Coleman is also an excellent medium as is Fiona Boyle who has recently emerged from the ranks of fledglings (New Mediums) and is now getting bookings on her own right at churches in the area.

This church and Falkirk (SNU) Spiritualist Church are the only two in Scotland that the service does not start till 8pm.  I feel that this gives one time to get home from work, have something to eat without gulping it down and then go to the church.


Last week I commented on the fact that I personally had proof that there was such a thing as a Spirit World and there could be communication from this other dimension.  But I had no similar proof that anyone could predict in any great detail my future.  Well, this has not gone down too well with some of you.  Maybe they have got this proof that I am still waiting on.  I will look their comments in-depth in the next few weeks. 

Let me this week comment on how I believe we get guidance from Sprit to prepare us for what may about to occur.  But it is not usually in a direct way.  One of the best personal instances I can give is the following…

I had been driving since the age of twenty-one and apart from before and just after my driving test I never felt scared to drive.  That was until one day about fifteen years ago.  I was driving along a road when I suddenly felt really scared to be behind the wheel the car.  It was a quiet road but as every car approached, from the front or the rear it really stressed me out.    Maybe the best word would be “panic” rather than “fear”.  This got so bad that I quickly returned home and tried to figure out what was happening. 

Could this have been spirit warning me of an accident that was about to happen to me?  A fatal accident, an accident that would cause injury, or just a bump?  By the way I felt I thought it could be the worst scenario.  And then what about my new car which had only 800-miles on the clock?  Believe it or not my main concern all that afternoon was about the new car being damaged.  Up till that time a car was just something to get me from A to B, but this was my first brand new car and I am ashamed to say that I put the vehicle before other people’s lives or my own.  I eventually dismissed this had been some form of warning … but… I decided not to attend a circle that evening. 

Although I dismissed that an accident was imminent, all afternoon relived what it would be like to have the new car damaged, how I would feel, it would never seem like a new car after an accident.  I seemed to cover every angle of such a situation

Then the voice of reason came in as Isobel said “How long will you refrain from driving?” “If the accident is going to happen it will whether you have a break from driving for a week, a month or a year.”  That made up my mind not to be silly and to attend the circle which was in Glasgow.

Off I went, driving carefully and all went smoothly…. I turned out of Wellington Street onto Clyde Street and was surprised to see that there were no cars in front of me right to the junction with Howard Street, something I have never witnessed before that night or since As I was braking for a red light at the junction, all of a sudden a large car that had been parked on the pavement drove off, came straight into the outside lane and hit the side of my vehicle with great force.  To cut a long story short after exchanging details the other driver he drove off and phone calls from his company made it clear that they were not going to take the blame.  The lawyer hired by the insurance company on my behalf made it clear that the best I could hope for was ‘knock for knock’ which I was not happy with. 

The more I thought about the whole situation the more I felt that if Spirit had given me a warning then I should stand up and fight for my rights.  So I told my lawyer that I would do without his services and do my own investigation.  Door to door enquires in the area led to me hearing about someone who had seen the accident from his balcony.  But he had moved to another flat in the city the day after the incident and was now on holiday.  I managed to trace him on his return and his statement swung the case in my favour.

Was that a warning from Spirit?  I believe it was but it is up to the individual to make up their own mind.  But I doubt if I did not have advanced warning, and going over and over in my mind what it  would be like to have a new car damaged I would not have went out to prove my innocence.

There have been many who have had similar experiences but is that the way we get guidance?  I think it is?

Tuesday 14th I was at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists (SNU) for private sittings in the morning and the service in the afternoon.  The latter was well attended as usual.    I have always found it interesting that two Spiritualist Churches in Glasgow can have good attendances on Tuesday afternoons yet many other churches struggle to get a reasonable attendance on Sunday morning. 


Then we had a few days break going to Germany by coach and having a cruise down the Rhine.  I had enough of flying last year with the volcanic ash causing havoc by grounding aircraft.  While sitting on the banks of the Rhine we were treated to a magnificent flying display by a Red Kite.  The hotel had been a convent for many years but no sign of any Spirits, not that I expected any.


I got a good bit of feedback on my comments on animals in the Spirit World.  Most seem to think that unless all species were part of this other dimension, then it would not be as good as it is made out to be.


There are many who are still of the belief that Spiritual Mediums are similar to fortune-tellers. I agree that Spirit can to a degree prepare us for certain situations but not in a direct way, rather in a way that we have to think and act on our own to make things happen.

The following is my own opinion and there will be those who will disagree with my comments.

Many years ago a group of mediums, fledgling’s, psychics, fortune tellers and those who had never thought of anything connected with Spirit or psychic activities, were asked to take part in a test.  We were to meditate, then ask for help from whatever source we wanted,  to predict what would happen in the next six months. We wrote down our predictions, sealed them in an envelope and all were enclosed in a larger envelop and put in a safe.

Six months later they were opened and at a quick glance the predictions were reasonably good, till we looked at them in depth. E.g.:_-

“An earthquake in Japan“, which there had been, but there are constant earthquakes in Japan. Maybe what would have been more interesting, if it had been predicted that there would be no earthquakes in a six month period, in that country and that then had been the case. 

A serious terrorist attack in Asia”… Again general, maybe would have been worth looking into if the country or town had been given.

I am not saying during this test anyone was cheating but most of us agreed, that where we were getting it right in a loose sort of way, were areas that we were individually interested in. (In my case, incidents about foreign affairs.) When I asked Spirit for predictions they did they not answer as that is not what they are there for, and my own mind cut in. 

Next part of the experiment we were paired off and asked to give predictions as to what would happen to the person sitting in front of us during the next six months. When we met up six months later, there was little of real accuracy, even from those who called themselves “Fortune Tellers”.

But that proved nothing as maybe all in the group did not have that ability to predict the future.

Then three of us were singled out to go to fortune tellers and see what transpired.  Again little or no accuracy.  In my case there was no mention as to an accident that was to befall me a month later, which would affect my arm and shoulder for the rest of my life. Also, no mention of anything of actual importance that occurred around me during the next year.

I tried to be fair in my evaluation of all this but maybe I was being a bit too hard to please, so next we will look at the situation surrounding a lady who contacted fortune tellers on a regular basis.

Over the years she has spent several thousand pounds on trying to find out what the future held for her. She wanted to know when she would meet her soul mate and get that special job she wanted. She was constantly told that both would come to pass at the end of the month, year etc.  Yet years down the line neither has happened. She is disillusioned but yet still willing to pay out for a prediction. Has anything she has been given turned out to have come to pass? I cannot say for certain as we are not in contact so much these days but the small loose items that she can bend and twist to make fit, seemed to spur her on for another session.

It took me a long time to believe there was a Spirit World and there could be communication from this other dimension. A lot longer to accept “Spiritual Healing” and even longer to accept “distant or absent healing, so maybe in time I will get the proof to be able to accept fortune telling.

What are your views on predicting the future?

Next week I will comment on how Spirit in a subtle way can prepare us for certain situations exciting and accurate way in my opinion.

On Monday 6th it was my pleasure to take the service at Pollockshields and District Spiritualist Church.  This church opened in 1988 and has been a really busy up till this year, when the numbers have for some unexplained reason has fallen away.  A lot of people in the area have received support and comfort over the years from Bill, Ellen, and others who have helped them out, so please try and give this church some support.  Maybe try and go along one evening or let your friends who stay in the area knows about it.  After the service Linzie will be on hand to serve you with a cup of tea and a smile…  The service is held on Monday evenings, 7.30pm, Langside Halls. (downstairs)

On the 8th it was a talk on Spiritualism, which I will comment on later.

Thursday saw me travel to the Lighthouse Spiritualist Church, YAC Halls, George Road, Greenock.  Although only opened a few months ago it has been very busy from day-1. Jenny Lafferty at the helm and she is supported by several enthusiastic and willing helpers.

Friday it was nice to meet up with Nancy, Liz and Christine at the Angel Light Spiritualist Church, Daisy Street, Govanhill, Glasgow.

A week with much less travelling than the week before which saw me drive 700-miles in five days.    BUT…. as I constantly say a medium cannot be judged on the number of services they take or the miles they travel.  We all have commitments, some more that others and family, health and work, have to come first.  Then there is the availability of transport.

Last week I said that I would leave the info about Kirkcaldy Spiritualist Church to this week.  Here it is; –

President Lyn Redpath and the committee put a lot of hard work into making this Centre a success. Their weekly programme is as follows.

Sunday: Divine Service 6pm – Healing is available after the service

Monday: Evening of Mediumship 7.30pm

Thursday: Awareness circle – 7pm till 8.30pm.

Private sittings can be arranged must be booked in advance.

They also have an excellent website; –  www.kdysc.moonfruit.com

 I was interested to see on the website “Light a Candle Memorial” where one can insert the name of a loved one who has passed.  There is also a memorial page for our pets/little friends that have passed over.

Well done Kirkcaldy Spiritualist Centre…

What the discussion ended up mainly about on Wednesday evening was “What will it be like in the Spirit World?” and “Do animals apart from pets go to the Spirit World

I don’t know exactly what will meet me and I will wait and have a pleasant surprise.  I am sure that all species on earth will be there and that we will have to toe the line in giving all species more respect than we do on Planet Earth… 

These days man looks on himself as the most intelligent creature on this planet but is that not arrogant and self-limiting?  In years gone by Native Americans saw it differently, respecting all of life, the ground, the plants and the animals. Many cultures worshipped certain animals and birds; they built temples to these other species, holding them in great esteem. However, the Native Americans held all life equal, believing that worshiping any one particular thing above another would cause imbalance. That I am happier with, as every species has its role to play on this planet and I have no doubt it will be the same in the Spirit World.

In many respects we (mankind) have lost our way and the strain is telling on our planet. We concrete over more and more land each year and then wonder why we have floods. Where is the water to go?

Each year we see the rise in the use of fertilisers and pesticides, and then we wonder why numbers of other species are falling. We have had a scare recently, the dramatic fall in the number of honey bees around the world. That stark warning, that without this busy little creature, man will eventually fail to exist does has not put the brakes on our wanting more and more at the expense of the flora and fauna of our planet.

There are those in our society today that  worships the fastest racehorse, the bull that’s offspring produce more meat or milk that any other, but at the same time look on hare coursing as a sport.  The humble hare which would harm no one is looked upon as an object for sport and pleasure.

I am sure that all who respect all that is on Planet Earth will progress in the Spirit World at a faster rate than those who disregard the importance of all that we have on this planet.

One charity that I have supported over the years is The Brooke.   An international animal welfare organization dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules in some of the world’s poorest communities. The provide treatment, training and programmes around animal health and wellbeing, operating across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Even if one does not wish to donate to this organization I am sure you will be fascinated by the wonderful work they do. Details can be found on www.thebrooke.org

I hope to have a different poem and new photos on the site each week starting from next week.

On Sunday 29th May I made the journey to the Kirkcaldy Spiritualist Centre. (SNU).  This Centre is right in the middle of the town, 12 Kirk Wynd.

More about Kirkcaldy in next week’s blog

Monday evening was meant to be a night off but I got an urgent request from a family to come to their home as they felt a ‘ghost’ was present.  More about that further down the blog…

Tuesday I was at ASK Cumbernauld.  I was surprised to hear that this church is in its sixth year as it seems only like yesterday that I took a service at this church two weeks after it opened.  The people of Cumbernauld certainly took this Church to their heart as from Day-1 this has always been a busy Church.  Over its short life Joan and Isobel have arranged several charity evenings which have aided needy local charities.

Wednesday I was off to the Perth Spiritualist Church (SNU), whose committee have done a lot over the past year in renovating their church from top to bottom.  As you approach the premises you will see a sign “A Small Church With A Big Heart” and that says it all about this friendly little place.  President is the always smiling Ivy Campbell.

It was such a lovely evening on Thursday and as I was early for the Balloch Spiritualist Church I decide not to turn into the town but to take a run up the side of Loch Lomond.  I made sure I stopped before the village of Luss because if I had turned into the village I would have started taking photographs and would forgotten about the time.  Luss one of the most scenic villages in Scotland. The Balloch Church has been running for only a few years and I find such a great enthusiasm from all who attend.  Tam Conroy is President.

On Friday I only prised myself away from this PC to visit Beith‘s Annual Art Exhibition.  Exhibits are always of high quality and this year I felt that the standard was even better than in previous years..  Most of the works in the adult exhibition are for sale at very reasonable prices.  This exhibition is held in Beith’s Community Centre at the beginning of June each year so maybe put an entry in your diary to attend next year.

On Saturday the voluntary work that I was scheduled for was cancelled at the last moment so we decided to take a trip to my home town, Prestwick.  The town seems to have fewer empty shops than seems to be the norm these days in other towns.  This is a busy little town where not much has changed over the years.  The Over -65 Club  had an exhibition of old photos of the town which we found very interesting. 

After my comments on “circles” last week I got a few interesting emails on the subject.

As I work shifts I find it difficult to get accepted for any closed circles because I can only manage every second week”

It is up to the church/individual who they let into a closed circle and the conditions for those attending.  But I feel that it would be unfair to bar someone because they could only sit every second week because of work commitments.  I doubt Spirit would wish someone to be refused entry to a circle for this reason alone.

“I have been told that a development circle should be held weekly, at the same time and in the same place”.

A church will use its own premises or usual rented hall and at the same time but the development circle need not be weekly.  I was in an excellent development circle for almost four years and it was held fortnightly.  At one stage we had to move premises for several months because of building renovations and I never noticed a difference with our link with Spirit…

“I have left three development circles through the years because there was always some noise or other that disturbed me”. 

Our development circle was held in a room in our church where the window looked out on to a main road.  Although it was not the busiest of roads there were always cars or people going bye and we got used to it.  It is difficult to find a place that will be devoid of all noise I once sat in a circle  in a house in the country and even there, there was not complete silence.  Cows mooing, sheep bleating, hens clucking, crows squawking,  tractors/harvesters working away.  We must seek the quietest place we can but we have to share the planet with others and we should not be too sensitive to noise, even in circle.

Now back to the family who asked me to visit their home because ‘unusual things’ were going on around the house. (The family have given me permission to mention their situation)

I regularly get asked out to similar situations but I doubt you will ever see me on TV because in most cases an answer can be found and sorted out without any theatrical performance or the dramatic “house clearing” comment.  In such incidents one has to treat what is going on like a police investigation.

So on the 24th I visited the scene of what the family called a “disturbance” – a “ghostly disturbance”.  This was a detached bungalow in a quiet street.

The family had lived there for 24-years and in their words “We have had no ghostly experiences until 14th May, then again on 16th May. y

What had frightened this family?   Footsteps on the stairs…. the light in the kitchen coming on… the sound of a chair moving… The sound of cups/mugs gently hitting together. r This happened several times during both the nights of the 14th and 16th…

Who witnessed this?  Father (52), mother (46), son (22) and daughter (16) on the first night and on the second night a family friend (64) a retired dentist who had left a letter with what he had experienced on that night.   All claimed that on these nights they had not been drinking, taking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. 

At this stage I always ask if there were any children or pets in the house and if so how they reacted during any disturbance.  But there were no kids or pets. 

This family were terrified as according to their religious beliefs any spirit or ghostly activity is evil. So if there had been nothing like this in the bungalow in almost quarter a century, why now?  The answer must be connected with the present.

I took a walk around the house and could not sense any spirit presence, there was one thing I was aware of but I did not think too much about it at the time and I did not mention it to the family.

I did believe there had been a spirit presence and it was not the family’s imagination, so I felt the most probably answer would be something connected around the family at this moment in time.  For the next ten minutes I asked question after question about their lives and got “No”, “No”, “No”.  I was really floundering for an explanation then the mother said “It could not be in connection with?”….   and all started to become clear.

On the 4th the son got the offer of a job abroad.  As soon as Uni was over he could jet away to a job he would like to have taken but it was only a two year contract, if he stayed at home he had a lesser job waiting for him and if he worked hard he could make a good life for himself.  Remember the second awareness of spirit was on the 16th – well on the 17th he had to make up his mind about the job abroad.  Could this be the answer or just a coincidence?  Too often such visits to a family follow this pattern for it to be just a coincidence.

Then I remembered what I had sensed on the stairs “A smell of oil – engine oil”.  When I mentioned this all the family looked at me and said the grandfather, three-years deceased, had been a ships engineer all his life.

So could there be a connection with what happened on the two nights and the grandfather?

Yes, according to the family.  He was a great one for holding family conferences sitting around the kitchen table after he had made them all a cup of tea/coffee.  Every situation to crop up big or small there was this family conference when he was home from sea.

So could that be the answer?  Was I clutching at straws?

If our loved-ones were still here with us would they not come around when there is family problems and family joy.  So if we believe in a Spirit World and Spirit communication then there is no reason why they should not continue their role in caring from the family.

But as I said to the family “Never believe anything a medium tells you, including myself, unless it makes sense to you”.

I gave the family my views and now it is up to them whether they accept it.  The disturbance” had gone before I appeared at the house so there was no need to ask any Spirit to move on, if the family had wanted them to move on.

Maybe it is a pity that I did not get to the house earlier and mention the grandfather so the family could have looked at the job situation in the cool, calm and collective way that they said the grandfather would have looked at it 

Can I ask you to send you thought out to Albert Woodfox,  and Herman Wallace,  who have been in solitary confinement in an American prison for almost forty-years.

Sunday the 22nd saw me travelling up the Falkirk and District Spiritualist Church at 8 Burnhead Lane, Falkirk FK1 4EW

This Church has been on the go since 1964 and certainly makes good use of its premises, as it can be in use the full 7 nights some weeks. There are three 3 public services each week, and one night of private sittings for Church Funds. The other evenings are used for development and awareness circles, plus some private events which take place fortnightly. The Falkirk and District Church is not short of home grown Mediums they have Joyce Wells, Abe Waddell, Ann Dibben, Jim Stevenson and  Martin Gilbert who are all excellent mediums.   Anne who is President has been studying hard over the past few years and has her SNU SD1, 2 and 4. She has just completed her SD3 and is waiting on the results. There are also two fledglings attached to the Church, Flo Back & Janette Harley. There is a lot of great support from Church members, there would have to be with the church opening its door so often. For example Isobel Stevenson has been a great help for many years – doing the raffle, and for a few years did all the catering for the church services. Former local Medium Mrs. Emily Manini and Mrs Zena McNaughton have worked hard for the Church over the years but don’t get along to too many services these days. We must not forget the dedicated group of Healers 6 qualified, 4 Trainees, and 2 new ones just arrived. We cannot mention the Falkirk Church without mentioning Alice Corner who has served the church in many roles throughout the years and is currently on the committee of the Scottish and Irish District Council. A really busy church which shines a bright light for Spiritualism. .

On Monday I was asked to give talk to a small history group and instead of talking on the history of Spiritualism I was asked to explain what Spiritualism is like today.  Not what I expected from such a group but they explained that they knew absolutely nothing about our religion and they would like to know the basics of Spiritualism in 2011 first and then they would like me to go back later in the year to talk on our religion’s history.  You may be thinking that was putting the cart before the horse but this group seemingly liked to know about the subject before going back to examine its roots.  I was more than comfortable with that because although I consider our history very important many people coming thorough our doors for the first time, or even the first few times, don’t want a history lesson but want an insight what maybe happing to a loved one that has just passed or they were wanting to know what they would encounter when they pass.  With my addresses I am always inspired by Spirit, never having made up a script before I stand up on the platform.  So Spirit usually gives out the right type of message for those in the congregation at that particular service.  We must not forget our history and try nor let the pioneers of Spiritualism down.

On Tuesday to the Cambuslang Spiritualist Church.  At one time when one heard the words “Cambuslang Spiritualist Church” we would think of Mary Hawthorn President of that church for many years and a well know medium in central Scotland.   Anne McCutcheon is now at the helm of this church… 

Thursday I was off to a busy Bellshill Christian Spiritualist Church. Where Rena Donaghey is President

Saturday I had the longest trip of the week as I headed south down the A76 to Dumfries and I always make three stops on the way down.

First at Kirkconnell and when the weather is good we go along some of the many walks and paths taking photos of the wildlife and flora that is abundant in that area. Then stopping miles further down the road at Sanquhar.  This small town has a very interesting museum and a Post Office that has been in constant use since 1712, and the sign above the door claims it is the oldest post office in the world.  The ruin of Sanquhar Castle lies at the edge of the town and running past the castle is the 212-mile Southern Upland Way.

A few miles down the road is one of my favourite towns in Scotland – Thornhill – with its tree lined Main Street.  It always surprises me that for such a small town it has as many shops selling quality goods.    Close to Thornhill is Dramlanrigg Castle which has a beautiful building and estate to explore

So anyone thinking of a day away this summer could do a lot worse that visit Kirkconnell, Sanquhar, Thornhill and Drumlanrig Castle.  But leave home early as there is a lot to take in, in this area.

Eventually I arrived at the Dumfries Spiritualist Church (SNU) in the Cumberland Day Centre in Cumberland Street.   This church has been going for over sixty years and the was the second church platform i ever stood on when with four other fledglings when the church was in Irish Street  Cilla was President for a good few years but last year when she moved abroad Kate McShane took over the role as President.  It is always a very busy church and that surprises many because the service is held on a Saturday evening.  Laura Montgomery a young medium from this church is now spreading her wings both north and south of the border and is accompanied by Joyce Wilson who gives the address.

I keep getting asked about where one goes to understand or improve their psychic abilities.  I believe I have mentioned before to go to a church that has an ‘open circle’ after a service.  This will let you see what it is all about.  You will be able to chat with both those sitting with you in the circle and members of the church committee. Then if you feel it is for you become a member of the church and ask to join in the next intake for the development circle.  Workshops are for later on and your church or a neighbour may provide appropriate workshops by visiting mediums. 

We took a break last week travelling down to Weston-super Mare on Monday…

On Tuesday we took a look around the town and although there are miles of clean sandy beaches I never set foot on the beach.  At low tide the sea can be almost a mile out from the beach front and the tidal rise and fall here is one of the largest in the world and can be 42ft. The new Grand Pier is impressive, the old one being burned down in 2008.  This is one seaside resort that is not in decline as this Pier welcomed over 100,000 visitors over the Easter weekend. The owners were expecting the Pier to attract around half a million visitors for the month of April.  As I was walking out to the end of the pier I wondered how many trees would have been felled for the decking of this 1,300ft long pier.

On Wednesday we travelled 34 miles east to the city of Bath.  Once we had a guided tour of the city we went straight to the Roman Baths and I would recommend this place to anyone visiting the area. The Bath’s museum is well organized and very informative displays detailing the history of the site. The museum gives great insight into the engineering and construction capabilities of the Romans.  An amazing atmosphere in one of the smaller baths and I cannot remember whether it.was the east or the west bath.  It was the larger of the two. 

Later we visited Bath Abbey and I was a bit disappointed.  A magnicent, building but little atmosphere that I usually find in such places.   This is only my view as the Abbey is a great tourist attraction.

Thursday turned out to be another interesting day.  First we visited the Cheddar Gorge and explored the caves that go deep into the Mendip Hills.  We spent so much time in the caves that we did not have time to walk around the lovely little village of Cheddar.

In the afternoon we visited Wells, the smallest city in England.  I found the Wells Cathedral an amazing place it had such a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.    

On Friday we returned home to be met with a heavy rain shower as we crossed over the border into Scotland, this happens almost every time I cross the border heading north.

 But I should not be complaining about the rain as the farmers in the SE of England are crying out for rain.  Worse still an Ethiopian gentleman, after asking where I came from, went on to tell me of the terrible suffering in his country because of drought and he ended up by saying “Scotland is so lucky to have so much rain”.  That last statement really made me think, as we often take our own country for granted.

 A family from Thailand walked around Wells Cathedral with us and they were totally amazed at the building and its history, they said that they had never seen anything like it.  Yet we marvel at the magnificent sites of historical interest in Thailand.

I also spoke to a young Turkish gentleman who is working in England at the moment and his dream is to visit Scotland, especially Edinburgh.  Let’s hope that his dream comes true.

No, I am not working for the North Somerset Tourist Board but I am open to offers.

Dell contacted me with the following email

I have been attending a Spiritualist church for two years now and try to live my life according to Spiritualist values but I cannot bring myself to tell my family friends and workmates where I go on a Wednesday evening.”

I can sympathise with Dell because I was in the same situation many years ago.  When I did get around letting all this be known there were fewer sarcastic remarks than I expected, much fewer. No one seemed interested in what I was up too. Times have changed and if Dell does mention he is attending a Spiritualist church there will be a lot of interest, questions will be asked and I would not be surprised if the following is said “I have always wanted to go to a Spiritualist Church but have not wanted to go on my own, can i come with you one evening/”

 John asked; –

You mention Seven Principles I once read there was nine Principles”

The Spiritualist national Union which i am a member has Seven Principles; you may have been reading an article on The National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) which is based in the U.S.A.

They have nine principles which are; –

1.     We believe in Infinite Intelligence.

2.     We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.

3.     We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitute true religion.

4.     We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.

5.     We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

6.     We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

7.     We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.

8.     We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul here or hereafter.

9.     We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through Mediumship.

Many of you are asking about learning more about their psychic abilities and where is the best place to go.  This is a big issue especially to day when we are getting daily emails about workshops etc.  I will do my best to give my views on this over the next few weeks.

Tuesday 10th I was at Airdrie Spiritualist Church     .  This church has been running for 21-years and after meeting in Airdrie Town Hall for many years this church has settled in well to the Beech Bank Community Centre, Whinnhall, Airdrie.  The church is in the capable hands of Nan, Geraldine, Shona and Colin.  Geraldine is also an excellent medium
Wednesday evening it was a short trip to the Kilwinning Spiritualist Church       .  This church opened its doors 43-years ago and is always well attended.  Margaret Jamieson a medium / psychic researcher and Jean make everyone welcome. In the congregation on Wednesday evening were John Edgar and his wife Janette.  John is a well known medium who entered a Spiritualist Church for the first time half-a-century ago and has been taking services at our churches for over 45-years.   The Kilwinning Temple of Light Spiritualist Church Nethermains Community Centre Kilwinning Ayrshire
Even though there were heavy showers throughout most of Thursday there was a good turnout at the Langside Halls Spiritualist Church.  It is good to see President Anne Mccutcheon looking so well so soon after her operation.
It was a pleasure to be asked to be one of the mediums taking part in Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church’s Open Day, which raised £1315.55p for McMillan Nurses – Breast Cancer.  A lot of work goes into such days and we must not forget the hard work by the committee and those who did the baking.
Marie asks “Would you like to be involved in all this much earlier in your life?”
At one time I would have said “yes” but now I feel that I became aware of Spirit and Spiritualism at the right time in my life.  Most of the interests I had at that time all seemed to come to a sudden end so as several doors seemed to slam shut in my life, the light coming though a new open door beaconed me.    As I have mentioned in other parts of this web-site I went towards a Spiritualist Church for answers as to why I was able to see our little whippet Sherry a few hours after she had passed.  If I still had those other interests at that time I would have left with an explanation and not bothered to return. 
Alexander Graham Bell wrote; —
When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open up for us”
Looking back on my life I now can see that when so many doors closed, others opened, but on many occasions I was not aware of them.   Probably I was too attached to the past, comfortable and cosy with what I was used too, and that I was too busy moaning about what had gone, turning a blind eye to new opportunities. That gladly has passed and now I am hopefully aware of most opportunities that present themselves to me.  But with any opportunity one has the free-will whether to take it up or not.   I like to think that these days I ‘go with the flow’ in life.  Not forcing issues but sizing up what appears in front of me and take time to think if it for me or not.

Angies asked,
“In a few simple words tell me the difference between a Medium and a Psychic”.

All Mediums are psychic – but not all Psychics are mediumistic. Psychics, whether conscious of it or not, receive their information from the living vibrations of energy around them at earthly levels.  Where Mediums will unconsciously at first and later deliberately, link in too energies not of this vibration what we would call the Spirit World.

With talk of opening the case of Madeline McCann who went missing in Portugal in 2007 I hope the authorities decide to have a fresh look at the cases of Ben Needam, Genette Tate and all the other missing children that have not been found.  It is unthinkable to lose a child through illness or an accident but to have one’s child disappear and parents not know where they are, and what has happened to them, must be the worst thing that could happen to any parent. Also the other week there was the sad news that mother of Moors Murder victim Keith Bennett has revealed she may have just months to find out where her son is buried after she was diagnosed with cancer.  This poor soul has spent the best part of her life hoping that her son’s body will be found.   Lest hope that Mrs Winnie Johnson , Keith’s mother’s  prayers are answered, and soon.


Sunday 1st May saw me taking the service of Coatbridge Spiritualist Church.  This church first opened its doors just after the war and has services on a Sunday at 6.30pm and Tuesdays at 7.30pm.  Their address is 135 Sunnyside Road, Coatbridge.
On Tuesday evening I had a very enjoyable time with the development group at the Larkfield Spiritualist Church in Blantyre.  There is a lot of talent in that group.
Then on Wednesday it was The Eternal Light Spiritualist Centre.  Francis and Patricia-Anne Murphy run this church and the services are on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm in The Citadel, Ayr.
As I was early for the church I took a look around Ayr harbour and the magical memories I had of this place when I was young, do not correspond with the area around Ayr harbour these days.  I have memories of the smell of the fish as the fishing boats unloaded their catch and then the chanting of the auctioneers selling the fish.  Now the fishing fleet has moved a few miles north to Troon.  I used to enjoy walking around the harbour basin, looking to see what parts of the world the cargo ships had come from.  Now one cannot get into the basin because of security and health and safety rules.  Probably the most exciting memory was going with my grandfather and uncle to fish out at the end of the harbour near the lighthouse.  I am not sure if one gets out as far as that these days.  Nothing ever stays the same and to progress we have to move on but we can still have the memories of the past to look back on.    

How long should I wait before a private sitting with a medium – a week – a month?” is a question, constantly asked
There is no set time but I believe a general rule of thumb is to wait around six months after the passing of a loved-one.  Wait till at least part of the pain has gone and your grief is less severe before making that appointment.  But that in no way means that you should not visit a Spiritualist Church during that time.  Attend our services and get an insight into our religion and how mediumship works.  . 
“Hymns sung in Spiritualist churches, are they the same as those sung in orthodox churches?  This question was asked by both Adam and Marie
We do have hymns that are specially written for the Spiritualist movement but Spiritualism also uses hymns of the Christian faith.  In some instances there have been adaptations of the words.  The SNU has a hymn book containing over 400 hymns and also a mini hymn book containg 60 hymns in large print – and can be ordered from their web site.