My Diary…….
3rd – I take another class on “Understanding Your Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow
Association (SNU)
Association (SNU)
7th – Always a pleasure
to serve Perth Spiritualist Church SNU.
to serve Perth Spiritualist Church SNU.
8th – A short journey over the hill to Saltcoats Spiritualist
14th – Coatbridge Spiritualist Church which opened its doors
for the first time in the
for the first time in the
25th –Over to the east coast to a good turnout at Arbroath
Spiritualist Church SNU.
Spiritualist Church SNU.
30th – Kilmarnock Free Spirit.
4th – Stirling Spiritualist Church SNU
6th – Neilson Spiritualist Church.
7th – “Understanding Your
Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow Association (SNU)
Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow Association (SNU)
14th – “Philosophy Evening” at the Glasgow Association.
21st – Our Spiritual Experiences and Discussion at the Glasgow
Association SNU
Association SNU
An Opportunity Missed.
What a great opportunity the nation had to put
our Second Principle – “The Brotherhood
of Man” into action a few days after the Grenfell tower block inferno, but
it was missed. Pomp and tradition
blotted out The Brotherhood of Man. Four days after the inferno took lives,
scarred people for life and hundreds lost all they possessed, less than three
miles away the Trooping of the Colour took place. As one group marvelled at the extravagant
parade others were still walking about in a daze as the life they had known
came to an end. In my mind, how callous
that was. It would have been different
if the tragedy had been a terrorist attack, then the parade should definitely
have gone ahead.
our Second Principle – “The Brotherhood
of Man” into action a few days after the Grenfell tower block inferno, but
it was missed. Pomp and tradition
blotted out The Brotherhood of Man. Four days after the inferno took lives,
scarred people for life and hundreds lost all they possessed, less than three
miles away the Trooping of the Colour took place. As one group marvelled at the extravagant
parade others were still walking about in a daze as the life they had known
came to an end. In my mind, how callous
that was. It would have been different
if the tragedy had been a terrorist attack, then the parade should definitely
have gone ahead.
Other countries have shown more
concern for the victims of such tragedies. Russia observed a national day of
mourning in memory of at least 177 killed in three separate disasters within
days of each other – a mine explosion, a nursing home fire and a plane
crash. Kyrgyzstan
announced a national day of mourning after the tiny Central Asian state’s worst
air disasters. Italy – earthquake victims.
Australia – bushfires. Chile –
mining disasters. In the UK, we held a
minute’s silence and got on with the show.
concern for the victims of such tragedies. Russia observed a national day of
mourning in memory of at least 177 killed in three separate disasters within
days of each other – a mine explosion, a nursing home fire and a plane
crash. Kyrgyzstan
announced a national day of mourning after the tiny Central Asian state’s worst
air disasters. Italy – earthquake victims.
Australia – bushfires. Chile –
mining disasters. In the UK, we held a
minute’s silence and got on with the show.
We are living in an age of despair Internationally,
Nationally and at a local level. So many
feel worthless, not part of society. Had
this parade been cancelled it would have let all society know that their
calamity was important to everyone in the land.
Our 2nd Principle the Brotherhood of Man surely means more than we
are all part of the universal creative force, one large human family in God.
Spiritualists try to understand the needs of others and aim to help all people
materially, emotionally, and spiritually.
And can I add – “Actions Speak Louder Than Words.”.
Nationally and at a local level. So many
feel worthless, not part of society. Had
this parade been cancelled it would have let all society know that their
calamity was important to everyone in the land.
Our 2nd Principle the Brotherhood of Man surely means more than we
are all part of the universal creative force, one large human family in God.
Spiritualists try to understand the needs of others and aim to help all people
materially, emotionally, and spiritually.
And can I add – “Actions Speak Louder Than Words.”.
One last comment on the matter… I
wonder what God and the Spirit world think the decision the country took?
wonder what God and the Spirit world think the decision the country took?
Male v Female
Ever service I have taken in twenty-five years there has
always been more women than men in the congregation. If men made up 33% of those in front of me I
felt it was a good average. The other
week at the Glasgow Association I was not the medium, but I noticed here was an
equal number of men and women in the church.
The following week the ladies were ahead only by one. Good to see more gentlemen taking an interest
in our religion.
always been more women than men in the congregation. If men made up 33% of those in front of me I
felt it was a good average. The other
week at the Glasgow Association I was not the medium, but I noticed here was an
equal number of men and women in the church.
The following week the ladies were ahead only by one. Good to see more gentlemen taking an interest
in our religion.
Manchester Arena Attack
On behalf of Spiritualists everywhere let us unite
to send our thoughts, prayers and healing to the victims of this latest
senseless atrocity, their families and friends whose lives have being changed,
perhaps forever. As the events of last evening unfold and we try to come to
terms with yet another example of the effects of terrorism in our society, any
effort to target innocent people going about their lives and enjoying a concert
can never be justified by any misguided belief or
to send our thoughts, prayers and healing to the victims of this latest
senseless atrocity, their families and friends whose lives have being changed,
perhaps forever. As the events of last evening unfold and we try to come to
terms with yet another example of the effects of terrorism in our society, any
effort to target innocent people going about their lives and enjoying a concert
can never be justified by any misguided belief or
The people of Manchester and the wider community
will be hurting as they see their diverse and inclusive community rocked by an
act of hatred which has killed and maimed many innocent victims. Let us
demonstrate that these acts will never succeed by redoubling our efforts to
demonstrate tolerance, understanding, compassion and peace in our world. Once
again, the emergency services have worked tirelessly to help people and we
remember them and their efforts also in our thoughts.
will be hurting as they see their diverse and inclusive community rocked by an
act of hatred which has killed and maimed many innocent victims. Let us
demonstrate that these acts will never succeed by redoubling our efforts to
demonstrate tolerance, understanding, compassion and peace in our world. Once
again, the emergency services have worked tirelessly to help people and we
remember them and their efforts also in our thoughts.
The Brotherhood of Man, our second principle seems
at times like this to be even harder to achieve in a world considered by some
to be broken, slipping almost from our grasp when we need it most. Our resolve
to create a peaceful inclusive world should be predicated on our own efforts,
actions and the teachings of God and the spirit world and this should in no way
be shaken or weakened by the acts of intolerance perpetrated by others.
at times like this to be even harder to achieve in a world considered by some
to be broken, slipping almost from our grasp when we need it most. Our resolve
to create a peaceful inclusive world should be predicated on our own efforts,
actions and the teachings of God and the spirit world and this should in no way
be shaken or weakened by the acts of intolerance perpetrated by others.
Minister David R Bruton
23rd May 2017
A Great Imbalance Within Spiritualism
I am beginning to feel that
there is a great imbalance within spiritualism – I was always taught that the
work of mediums is to comfort the bereaved and be of service to mankind – when
I first started working as a medium many years ago, our Spiritualist Churches
were full of people seeking hope and the strength to go forward following the
loss of someone special. I felt as if I was making a difference to people, and
that the work I did was helping me and others. Nowadays, our Churches are
just filled with people who want to be mediums themselves, who often sit in
judgement of the medium working from the Rostrum, and have no need of any kind
of comfort from the presence of our spirit friends and helpers. If this
imbalance continues, with the emphasis being on teaching and unfoldment of
mediumship there will soon be no point to congregating in a Church to deliver
spiritual truths.
there is a great imbalance within spiritualism – I was always taught that the
work of mediums is to comfort the bereaved and be of service to mankind – when
I first started working as a medium many years ago, our Spiritualist Churches
were full of people seeking hope and the strength to go forward following the
loss of someone special. I felt as if I was making a difference to people, and
that the work I did was helping me and others. Nowadays, our Churches are
just filled with people who want to be mediums themselves, who often sit in
judgement of the medium working from the Rostrum, and have no need of any kind
of comfort from the presence of our spirit friends and helpers. If this
imbalance continues, with the emphasis being on teaching and unfoldment of
mediumship there will soon be no point to congregating in a Church to deliver
spiritual truths.
As we are all aware, imbalance is not desirable, and I think
this is being seen with spiritualism and is becoming apparent within our
churches. Unfortunately, Churches are trying to attract people for the wrong
reasons – by offering teaching to become mediums – however, in the long term
what is this going to achieve for spiritualism the religion? Surely it has to
be considered, that not everyone can become a medium? What would be the point
of that? Balance is needed, Churches need to attract people to them for the
true purpose of our religion, which is not to make everyone into a medium,
after a 6-week course, but for people to become more spiritually aware, for the
bereaved to be comforted and welcomed so that their own souls, once touched by
the spirit can begin to unfold, not as a medium, but as a spirit, a spirit who
is here to learn from life’s experiences.
this is being seen with spiritualism and is becoming apparent within our
churches. Unfortunately, Churches are trying to attract people for the wrong
reasons – by offering teaching to become mediums – however, in the long term
what is this going to achieve for spiritualism the religion? Surely it has to
be considered, that not everyone can become a medium? What would be the point
of that? Balance is needed, Churches need to attract people to them for the
true purpose of our religion, which is not to make everyone into a medium,
after a 6-week course, but for people to become more spiritually aware, for the
bereaved to be comforted and welcomed so that their own souls, once touched by
the spirit can begin to unfold, not as a medium, but as a spirit, a spirit who
is here to learn from life’s experiences.
There must be some consistency and
balance if Spiritualism is to regain its true purpose and if numbers are
falling within our Churches perhaps that is an indication that our religion is
not what it used to be, when people flocked to sit in congregations to discover
spiritual truths for themselves. One of our great Spirit Guides Silver Birch
stated: Life is always a polarity. If there were no darkness there would be no
light. If there were no trouble there could never be any peace. If the sun
always shone you would not appreciate it. Perhaps it would serve us all better
to remember these Spiritual truths.
balance if Spiritualism is to regain its true purpose and if numbers are
falling within our Churches perhaps that is an indication that our religion is
not what it used to be, when people flocked to sit in congregations to discover
spiritual truths for themselves. One of our great Spirit Guides Silver Birch
stated: Life is always a polarity. If there were no darkness there would be no
light. If there were no trouble there could never be any peace. If the sun
always shone you would not appreciate it. Perhaps it would serve us all better
to remember these Spiritual truths.
Tracy Norton.
Stop Worrying and Quit Going Over The Past
Almost 95% of psychics will say to you during a reading
“stop worrying ” and ” quit going over the past ” … Well
isn’t that easy to say …and also completely false , sometimes the past keeps
coming up because its time to look at it and for healing to take place ,
ignoring It will only slow your progress in life … Sometimes we have to go
over and over something’s until we come to a new understanding of the matter
heal the situation from within before we can truly let it go and move on with
our life if things keep coming … Look at them and reach for enlightenment.
“stop worrying ” and ” quit going over the past ” … Well
isn’t that easy to say …and also completely false , sometimes the past keeps
coming up because its time to look at it and for healing to take place ,
ignoring It will only slow your progress in life … Sometimes we have to go
over and over something’s until we come to a new understanding of the matter
heal the situation from within before we can truly let it go and move on with
our life if things keep coming … Look at them and reach for enlightenment.
Mathew John Morris.