Over 30,000 hits… My Diary. We Should Have Listened to Gordon Higginson and Jock Brown. The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists International Week. Rochester Spiritualist Temple and the SNU. “Fifes Unknown Bairn”

I started this site in 2011 and this is the longest gap in updating my blog since then.  Thanks to all who asked me to continue with my comments.  And speaking of this blog the other day it passed the 30,000 marks as far as visitors to the site is concerned.
My Diary…
10th –  The Glasgow Association. SNU.  The Tuesday afternoon service is always a busy service
16th  ASK Dunfermline. Services are held in Touch Community Centre, Mercer Place, Dunfermline.  This church was founded in 2004 and since then has been at the forefront of spreading the knowledge of
22nd – ASK Cumbernauld – Services held Tuesdays at 7.15 pm Greenfaulds community rooms in Lochinvar Road.  G67 4 AR.  The is one of the busiest Spiritualist Churches in Scotland and has been since the day it opened its door ten years ago.  I shared the service with fledgling Patricia Millon and was impressed by her address and clairvoyance.  Patricia is sitting her one of the SNU exams and if the night we shared the platform was anything to go by she will do well.
8th – 12th – The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists. SNU.  6/7, Somerset Place, Glasgow G3 7JT.  A busy time where the medium takes four services, a development circle and private sittings during their five days there.
16th =- Bon Accord Spiritualist Church Aberdeen. SNU – 37-41 Fraser Pl, Aberdeen AB25 3TY.    There is always a great welcome from the committee and members of this church.
              We Should Have Listened to Gordon Higginson and Jock Brown.
A lot of the problems facing humanity today could have been avoided if we had stopped and listened to those who had the planet and its occupants at heart.  Instead, those seeking power and were greedy won the day.  In almost every part of life we have problems instead of success, peace and understanding.  Even in our religion we are losing out as churches close and numbers drop.  It is not as if no one saw was coming.  Had we listened and taken on board what two true Spiritualists warned us about the dangers approaching our religion we might be in a healthier state today.
Gordon Higginson wrote not long before he passed in 1993; –

I fear for Spiritualism for the year 2000 and beyond,
What is the point of me saying anything because you have your heads buried in the sand.
And from Jock Brown, medium, healer and co-founder of ASK Dunfermline.
                               “Manmade rules?  Just a thought.

There seems to be a lot of man-made rules concerning sitting in
circles, demonstrating medium-ship in all is forms, healing groups and
sitting for spirit in any way.  It appears to me some people do not even
listens to their inspirers’ or mentors from the spirit world views on
how to sit. I would have thought their wishes would be paramount and we
should be sitting and working hand in hand with them.  It seems the ego
and lust for power has crept in, take healing channels for instance
some seem to think they direct the power however this is not the case
healing power is an intelligent energy and divine power and will apply
healing to where ever it is needed.  A healing channel supplies the
physical energy spirit does the rest.  Many organisations instruct their
mediums how to give messages and attempt to instruct their
communicators’ also.  Surely this cannot be, a medium should be able to
work and blend with their inspirers to find the best way forwards after
all we are all individuals’ as our inspirers are we are not fodder to
be cloned by any-one.
Had we listened to these two gentlemen our religion might not today be closing churches, being looked upon by many as entertainment and a money-making venture for many within the movement. 
The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists International Week.

                             Rochester Spiritualist Temple and the SNU.

In this era of austerity, I am usually for using the money available to house the homeless, feed the hungry and get work training in place for the young.  The likes of appeals to restore old buildings would be far down my list of priorities.  However, there may be one exception The Rochester Square Spiritualist Temple, Camden.  Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes and a proponent of spiritualism, donated £500 of the £600 cost of building the temple and laid the foundation stone in 1926.  Spiritualism has few buildings of historic interest so should an extra effort not be made to restore the Temple?   
Developers have plans to demolish the building and build residential units and a gallery.  Surely this cornerstone of Spiritualism in Britain which has hosted the likes on Conan Doyle, Helen Duncan and many other prominent Spiritualists over the years should be saved
The SNU hierarchy and the old members of the Temple could not be further apart as far as a fair solution is concerned. So many comments on social media many contradicting each other and it has now been taken up by main media outlets.  All this is not showing our religion in a good light.    
Not knowing what comments were true and what were not I contacted a senior member of the SNU’s NEC.    I asked – “Would you or someone else at the SNU like to give the SNU’s side of Rochester situation”?  And the reply “The SNU declines to comment and there is no church committee, the church closed two years ago so those holding out to be the committee have no legitimate status”.  A short and sharp comment and I would have expected more from the SNU. 
That comment is not good enough the SNU not only to declines to answer my question but the questions of many others.  The lack of transparency from an organization that tries to attract members with the comment –
Join the SNU Spiritualist Community and help us develop the voice of Spiritualism worldwide. Help us through our community to increase the awareness of our Religion and its Philosophy.
It is only with the collective help and support of our Members as contributors and volunteers that we can continue to work towards bringing the knowledge of Spiritualism into the wider world as the ‘World largest Spiritualist Organisation’. It is only by the strength of unity in a common goal that the voice of Spiritualism can grow.
By joining the SNU, you will be able to:
 Add your voice to our community
Keep up to date with our movement
Attend, speak and vote at District and National Meetings
Gain discounts on SNU courses
Become active within District and National Committees (Subject to qualification)
Seek advice and support from the SNU about Spiritualism.
I always try to give both sides of any dispute and as the SNU were short and sharp with their side of the story supporters of keeping the Temple open were more forth coming.
Here are a few comments from them taken from the Internet.

According to Psychic News Magazine, the Spiritualists’ National Union did not inform the president and committee of the temple, who were waiting for the church to be refurbished and re-opened after falling into disrepair, had told them the building was to be sold.

Here Conan Doyle lectured as a pioneer of spiritualism

The owners, the Spiritualists’ National Union, have neglected this building and now seek to destroy this heritage to build a block of flats close to the Georgian homes of the square”.
It may be a bit late for both sides to get around the table.  However,
if they do both sides should take a moment to ask those in the higher side
of life for guidance, compassion, and wisdom before they start to talk to each
other. Then give the full facts in writing to all who hold ’individual
members’ status of the SNU.  This nasty situation which would never
have happened in the first place if all had acted according to our
Spiritualist beliefs.  Common sense failed to prevail.
                                            “Fifes Unknown Bairn”
May 1971, a postman found the body of a young boy washed ashore on Tayport Beach. After much investigation by police, his parents were never found and it was thought he may have come from a gypsy family. Tayport folk took the child to heart and donations paid for a funeral and headstone for him Every year since, flowers have been laid on the grave on the anniversary of the death of the lad who became known as “Fifes Unknown Bairn” A few years back. the postie himself died, and as per his wishes, he was buried close to the child.
It caught my eye for two reasons – 1 – I worked for Royal Mail for 38-years.  2 – When I was small my parents took me a walk on a beach just as the body of a man was washed up on the shore.  I did not see the body only a group of people around it. This incident has stuck in my mind ever since, especially as the deceased’s identity was never known.  Maybe we should add these unidentified bodies to our prayers and also add the families who are missing a loved one.

My Diary … An Opportunity Missed … Male v Female … Manchester Arena Attack by Minister David R Bruton … A Great Imbalance Within Spiritualism by Tracy Norton … Stop Worrying and Quit Going Over The Past by Mathew John Morris.

                                                       My Diary…….
7th –   Always a pleasure
to serve Perth Spiritualist Church SNU.
8th – A short journey over the hill to Saltcoats Spiritualist
14th – Coatbridge Spiritualist Church which opened its doors
for the first time in         the
25th –Over to the east coast to a good turnout at Arbroath
Spiritualist Church SNU.
30th – Kilmarnock Free Spirit. 
4th – Stirling Spiritualist Church SNU
6th – Neilson Spiritualist Church.
7th – “Understanding Your
Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow Association (SNU)
14th – “Philosophy Evening” at the Glasgow Association.

21st – Our Spiritual Experiences and Discussion at the Glasgow
Association SNU
                                                     An Opportunity Missed.
What a great opportunity the nation had to put
our Second Principle – “The Brotherhood
of Man”
into action a few days after the Grenfell tower block inferno, but
it was missed.  Pomp and tradition
blotted out The Brotherhood of Man.  Four days after the inferno took lives,
scarred people for life and hundreds lost all they possessed, less than three
miles away the Trooping of the Colour took place.  As one group marvelled at the extravagant
parade others were still walking about in a daze as the life they had known
came to an end.  In my mind, how callous
that was.  It would have been different
if the tragedy had been a terrorist attack, then the parade should definitely
have gone ahead. 

Other countries have shown more
concern for the victims of such tragedies. Russia observed a national day of
mourning in memory of at least 177 killed in three separate disasters within
days of each other – a mine explosion, a nursing home fire and a plane
announced a national day of mourning after the tiny Central Asian state’s worst
air disasters. Italy – earthquake victims. 
Australia – bushfires.  Chile –
mining disasters.  In the UK, we held a
minute’s silence and got on with the show.
We are living in an age of despair Internationally,
Nationally and at a local level.  So many
feel worthless, not part of society.  Had
this parade been cancelled it would have let all society know that their
calamity was important to everyone in the land. 
Our 2nd Principle the Brotherhood of Man surely means more than we
are all part of the universal creative force, one large human family in God.
Spiritualists try to understand the needs of others and aim to help all people
materially, emotionally, and spiritually. 
And can I add – “Actions Speak Louder Than Words.”.
One last comment on the matter…  I
wonder what God and the Spirit world think the decision the country took?
                                                         Male v Female
Ever service I have taken in twenty-five years there has
always been more women than men in the congregation.  If men made up 33% of those in front of me I
felt it was a good average.  The other
week at the Glasgow Association I was not the medium, but I noticed here was an
equal number of men and women in the church. 
The following week the ladies were ahead only by one.  Good to see more gentlemen taking an interest
in our religion.
                                                Manchester Arena Attack 
On behalf of Spiritualists everywhere let us unite
to send our thoughts, prayers and healing to the victims of this latest
senseless atrocity, their families and friends whose lives have being changed,
perhaps forever. As the events of last evening unfold and we try to come to
terms with yet another example of the effects of terrorism in our society, any
effort to target innocent people going about their lives and enjoying a concert
can never be justified by any misguided belief or
The people of Manchester and the wider community
will be hurting as they see their diverse and inclusive community rocked by an
act of hatred which has killed and maimed many innocent victims. Let us
demonstrate that these acts will never succeed by redoubling our efforts to
demonstrate tolerance, understanding, compassion and peace in our world. Once
again, the emergency services have worked tirelessly to help people and we
remember them and their efforts also in our thoughts.
The Brotherhood of Man, our second principle seems
at times like this to be even harder to achieve in a world considered by some
to be broken, slipping almost from our grasp when we need it most. Our resolve
to create a peaceful inclusive world should be predicated on our own efforts,
actions and the teachings of God and the spirit world and this should in no way
be shaken or weakened by the acts of intolerance perpetrated by others.
Minister David R Bruton 

23rd May 2017

                                           A Great Imbalance Within Spiritualism 
I am beginning to feel that
there is a great imbalance within spiritualism – I was always taught that the
work of mediums is to comfort the bereaved and be of service to mankind – when
I first started working as a medium many years ago, our Spiritualist Churches
were full of people seeking hope and the strength to go forward following the
loss of someone special. I felt as if I was making a difference to people, and
that the work I did was helping me and others. Nowadays, our Churches are
just filled with people who want to be mediums themselves, who often sit in
judgement of the medium working from the Rostrum, and have no need of any kind
of comfort from the presence of our spirit friends and helpers. If this
imbalance continues, with the emphasis being on teaching and unfoldment of
mediumship there will soon be no point to congregating in a Church to deliver
spiritual truths. 
As we are all aware, imbalance is not desirable, and I think
this is being seen with spiritualism and is becoming apparent within our
churches. Unfortunately, Churches are trying to attract people for the wrong
reasons – by offering teaching to become mediums – however, in the long term
what is this going to achieve for spiritualism the religion? Surely it has to
be considered, that not everyone can become a medium? What would be the point
of that? Balance is needed, Churches need to attract people to them for the
true purpose of our religion, which is not to make everyone into a medium,
after a 6-week course, but for people to become more spiritually aware, for the
bereaved to be comforted and welcomed so that their own souls, once touched by
the spirit can begin to unfold, not as a medium, but as a spirit, a spirit who
is here to learn from life’s experiences. 
There must be some consistency and
balance if Spiritualism is to regain its true purpose and if numbers are
falling within our Churches perhaps that is an indication that our religion is
not what it used to be, when people flocked to sit in congregations to discover
spiritual truths for themselves. One of our great Spirit Guides Silver Birch
stated: Life is always a polarity. If there were no darkness there would be no
light. If there were no trouble there could never be any peace. If the sun
always shone you would not appreciate it. Perhaps it would serve us all better
to remember these Spiritual truths. 
Tracy Norton.
                                     Stop Worrying and Quit Going Over The Past
Almost 95% of psychics will say to you during a reading
“stop worrying ” and ” quit going over the past ” … Well
isn’t that easy to say …and also completely false , sometimes the past keeps
coming up because its time to look at it and for healing to take place ,
ignoring It will only slow your progress in life … Sometimes we have to go
over and over something’s until we come to a new understanding of the matter
heal the situation from within before we can truly let it go and move on with
our life if things keep coming … Look at them and reach for enlightenment.
Mathew John Morris.

My Diary – Minister Irene McGilivray. – Comparing Spiritualism’s Seven Principles, The Bible’s Ten Commandments and The Ten Native American Commandments – Assisted Suicide – A comment from William McFadzean Spiritualist Medium CSNU the morning after the Manchester bombing – Samantha Dean’s Comments on Spiritualism…

                                                                   My Diary 



19th –A short journey to
serve Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church (SNU)
28th ASK Cumbernauld.
30th – The Pyramid Church,
5th – I take another class on
“Understanding Your Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow Association (SNU)
9th – It is always a pleasure
to serve the Ayr Spiritualist Centre.
10th – My longest distance
traveling to churches these days and I received – as usual – a great Highland
welcome at the Inverness Spiritualist Church (SNU).
19th – “Your Spiritual
Experiences and Discussion at the Glasgow Association.

                                          Minister Irene McGilivray 
It was an honour for Isobel and I to be invited to the ordination
service of What a wonderful and moving service with almost
every seat taken at the Glasgow Association. 
Not only with Spiritualists, but representatives of other religions in
attendance. We all should take heart after that service and be proud of our
religion, a religion may have been flagging a little bit recently
What a wonderful moving service at the Glasgow Association
yesterday – the ordination of Irene McGillivray, now Minister Irene McGillivray.
Two-hundred attended the service and that include not only Spiritualists,
Irene’s friends, but also dignitaries of other religions. All Spiritualists
attending should take heart from the service and move forward with pride.  Showing everyone that Spiritualism is a
recognised religion and has nothing to do with entertainment or financial gain.
Minister Irene McGillivray
is a great inspiration to us all. Seven years of hard studying and still
finding time to help others gain knowledge of Spiritualism and be caring and
compassionate to all who crossed her path.
We should now strive to make friends with those in the other
religions that attended the service.

Comparing Spiritualism’s Seven Principles, The Bible’s Ten
Commandments and The Ten Native American Commandments
Spiritualism’s Seven Principles…
1.       The
Fatherhood of God.
2.       The
Brotherhood of Man.
3.       The
Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4.       The
Continuous Existence of the Human Soul.
5.       Personal
6.       Compensation
and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth.
7.       Eternal
Progress Open to every Human Soul
 The Ten
Native American Commandments
1. Treat the Earth
and all that dwell thereon with respect.
2. Remain close to
the Great Spirit, in all that you do.
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings.
(Especially Respect yourself)
4. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
(But be careful not to fall into self-righteousness)
7. Look after the wellbeing of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
(Especially be truthful and honest with yourself)
10. Take full responsibility for your actions
The Bible’s Ten
1. Do not have any
other gods before me.
2. You shall not
take the name of the Lord in vain.
3. Remember the
Sabbath day and keep it holy.
4. Honour your
father and your mother.
5. You shall not
6. You shall not
commit adultery.
7. You shall not
8. You shall not
bear false witness against your neighbour.
9. You shall not
covet your neighbour’s wife.
10. You shall not
covet your neighbour’s goods.
 The – “You
shall not
” is repeated seven times in the Bible’s Ten Commandments appears
to be harsh and dictatorial to me.  The Seven Principles rather than talking
down to the individual is putting more emphasis on the individual taking
personal responsibility for their actions. 
But – the best one of all for me is The
Ten Native American Commandments
.  It
covers more than the Spiritualist Seven Principles
making us aware of our planet and all that lives on it
                                                       Assisted Suicide…
I saw this comment on Facebook – “An assisted dying law would not
result in more people dying, but in fewer people
suffering”. I totally
agree with this.  With the right
structures and laws in place it would mean that few would suffer mentally and
physically before they pass over.
Many from other religions tell me that “Life is for God to give and only for God to take back”.  OK – but – has God not given man the
ability to cure or hold off the severity of many diseases?  Many people are alive today because of
medical intervention so mankind has interfered with nature.  So, when the pain becomes so severe, the body
does not function properly, or an active mind is trapped in a body that will
not respond, surely the patient can request to end their suffering.  Bar from 
intervention by the medical profession may would have breathed their
last many years before.  So, if we can
interfere with keeping them alive we surely can 
assist the patient to pass over if they request it.
I ask those who are strongly against ‘assisted suicide’ – What
right have you to make another suffer especially those who do not believe as
you do?  What right do you have to
enforce your beliefs on them?  Many are
quick to reply that doctors will give them medication to take the pain
away.  Then, when I ask what about when
medication does not take the pain?  What
about when  the anguish of an active  mind when someone is trapped in a body that
will not function?  Usually when I ask
those questions those in front of me go silent and their eyes dull. This is
something they have not thought about before, they have accepted their
religions/teacher’s stance and went on with their life.  Not thinking deep into the issue or
questioning those who preach to them.
Politicians must look deeply into this issue and not be swayed by
the religious lobby.  
They should make a
decision on what is right for those suffering and they must not be influenced
in any way by any religion.  We are
sensible enough to put a structure in place that will not see patients
discarded because their family do not want them or they are costing the NHS too
much.  I have little faith in the
politician taking the step to allow ‘Assisted Suicide’ I feel the only way this
will come to pass in the near future is for a referendum and let the people
A comment from William McFadzean Spiritualist Medium CSNU  the morning
after the Manchester bombing.
morning I feel we should all take a moment to truly think about who and what we
have in our lives and hearts. As last night’s cowardly attack shows we never
know the moment it can all end or be taken away. To harm innocent children in
particular is despicable. Do not give in to hate though as that means they win
and we empower the attackers. Perhaps a minutes silence
or a mass Prayer, something positive to show we will not be beaten.
heart goes out to all of the families and people involved. God Bless them all.

William has made an
interesting comment “Perhaps a minute’s silence or a mass Prayer, something
positive to show we will not be beaten”. 
A minute’s silence or a mass prayer by all peoples and all religions
around the world could halt the evil that is encompassing our planet at the moment
and get it to retreat.  We will never conquer
evil, but hopefully we can stop it running riot as it is at this moment in

                                   Samantha Dean’s Comments on
The people I often worry for is the people just starting out in then
movement. I’ve only been part of it really for about 4 years and I think I’ve
seen most of the ugly side in that time. There’s so much beauty in
spiritualism, but unfortunately the human side has been allowed to override it
and spirit I fear has been forgotten over ego’s, money and jealousy. We will
continue to do our best to prove that not every Spiritualist is like this to
our congregation. We don’t put a penny in our back pockets, we open the church
every week with the hopes of nothing in return except to see the smiles on
people’s faces when they hear from their loved ones in spirit.. We laugh
together, cry together and we build each other up as a whole church and we are
very blessed to say the least because of it. It’s what we stand for and what we
will always stand for.. we just want to be left in peace to be able to do it as
we choose too x

my Diary … In the past thirty-nine years … The suffering and death that is legal … The New Danger In Our Midst.

                                                                        My Diary…

26th –  I took the morning service at the Edinburgh
Association of Spiritualists (SNU) at The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25
Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AP.
1st – The
start of our new venture on a Wednesday evenings at the Glasgow
Association.  I take a class on
“Understanding Our Psychic Abilities. 
3rd-7th –  Four days at the Glasgow Association (SNU)
and that in includes four services, a development circle and private sittings.
8th March –
Our Philosophy evening at the GAS.  Both
Isabel and I enjoyed listening to a talk by Vice President Derek Connor.
11th – I
travel to Falkirk to take the service at Falkirk Spiritualist Church (SNU), 8
Burnhead Ln, Falkirk FK1 1UG.  This
church has been running for many years and at this time could do with a little
more support.  So, why not go along to
their services.
15th – Back
at the Glasgow Association to take part in “Our Spiritual Experiences and
23rd – I
attended The Phoenix Spiritual Centre, Volunteers Rooms, Irvine KA12 0BA for
the first time.   and I received a great
welcome from Anne Smith and those attending.    
Its AGM time for our
churches and after being co-opted on to the committee last June I got voted in
last month to serve a two-year term. 
Good news at our AGM, membership is up and those  attending our healing services has greatly
increased.  We have also followed on from
last year’s philosophy classes to have the same monthly class this year and
also evenings on meditation, understanding your psychic abilities and our
spiritual experiences and discussion. 
                                                           In the past thirty-nine years

Thirty-nine years on 19th
March that my mother passed to spirit. 
That made me think on what has changed in all these years.  Would my mother be in favour of the changes
or not?  

My mother died as the
result of that terrible disease cancer.  
Even knowing that cancer is a group name for over 200 different
diseases, I wonder if we are as far forward in tackling this disease as we
should be?  In the past four decades, we
have made progress in so many different areas in the treatment of cancers.  Progress in understanding the disease,
detecting cancer, cancer care, surgery, radio therapy, chemotherapy, targeted
treatment, prevention and awareness. 
Yet, have we done enough? 

Almost on a daily basis
we hear of someone being diagnosed with this disease or having died of it.  Very few walk past a donation box for cancer
charities without giving a donation, knowing that this illness could attack any
of us at any time.  Vast sums of money
have been donated by ordinary people to fight cancer as has governments.  But… has the latter done enough?  Have they got their priorities, right?  Governments around the world spend billions
on weaponry, space exploration and employ the top brains to work on these
projects.  Even if a small percentage of
what has been spend on these areas had been targeted our biggest enemy of all –
cancer –  then there would be fewer
casualties today
 All is not doom and
gloom on the medical side.  Many diseases
have been eradicated or at least sufferers of long-term illness now lead a
better quality of life than then would have done 40-years-ago.  Transplant surgery has been come extremely
successful, yet many needing transplant surgery die because of lack of donor
organs.  Even worse, the donor’s family
not allowing the organs to be taken.    
Surely in a loving and caring society there would be a glut of organ
donation offers rather than a deficit? 
That comes down to Spiritualism’s 5th principle – Personal
Maybe we Spiritualists
need to take personal responsibility and if the above worries us we should do
more about it. Stop all the in-fighting in our churches and organizations.  Keep in constant contact with our local and
national politicians, health boards and keep these issues to the forefront in
our social media forums.  Yes, we can
pray, but we need to do more on a personal basis.  
                                                          The suffering and death that is legal.
In Britain, we like to be known as a
nation of animal lovers. Whenever we hear of dog fighting, badger baiting and
bullfighting we hold our hands up in horror. Yet, we have a so-called sport in
this country that is equally horrific and it is legal. This so-called sport is
horse racing and takes the lives of many horses every year. The wastage in this
so-called-sport is high.  My main concern
are the horses that collapse and die during or just after a race.  I look on this as they are being raced to
death.   Eight of the forty-seven horses
that have died on the racecourse this year have been in this category
I do not look on horse racing as a
sport, but a massive frightening industry – which it is.
  Not only royalty, the richest people on our
planet are attracted to own a horse the ordinary man in the street can now
become a part owner paying only a few £’s a month through being part of a
syndicate.  Even having a bet in a horse
race funds this industry via betting tax.
I was not going to mention the range of
injuries that horses suffer on the race track not to upset anyone.  But, I will as so much of the pain, stress
that these magnificent creatures suffer is swept under the carpet.  The fatal injuries recorder this year on the
race course, broken legs, knees,  necks, spinal injuries and of course collapsing
through suffering a heart-attack.
In my next blog – can we really be a
true spiritualist if we support this industry?
– Stephanie Wilson.
                                                The New Danger In Our Midst.
Before I entered the car for my first
driving lesson, my driving instructor – a retired army sergeant – told me the
following as he tapped the roof of the car. 
“This is a lethal weapon if it is
not maintained and handled correctly. 
Every time you turn on the ignition you are responsible for what could
be a lethal weapon – as lethal as any weapon I used in my army days
”.  Something I have never forgot when getting
into my car.
The incidents of vehicles driving into
crowds in Nice, the German Christmas market and the on-Westminster bridge is
not what my driving instructor was thinking about, but it adds a new sinister
dimension to our everyday safety. 

My Diary … The Media Get it Wrong … Our Services Become Question Time. … The First Snowdrops Cause a Commotion. … Your Comments.


                                                                     My Diary
29th –  My first service of the year was to the welcoming and always busy Perth Spiritualist, 40 New Row, Perth, PH1 5QA.  Tele; – 07724 411 922.  Sunday – Divine Service 6.30pm and Healing Service 8.15pm.  Wednesday Mediumship Service 7.00pm.  It is good to see that President Ivy Campbell is now stepping out in her own right as a Spiritualist medium.
31st – Only a twelve-mile journey to ASK Neilston  Corresponding, Glen Halls, Neilston,  G79 3NL.     Service on a Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm.
6th February – I attended the Pollockshaws and District Spiritualist Church, Langside Halls, 1 Langside Avenue, (Shawlands Cross) Glasgow, G41 2QR.  Service on a 
Monday evening at 7.30 pm.
19th, 20th, 21st –  Glasgow Central Spiritualist Church, 64 Berkley Street, Glasgow, G3 7JT


The Glasgow Association, 6/7 Somerset Place. Glasgow, G3 7JT is
holding weekly classes from March to June on subjects that will interest most
1st – Understanding Your Psychic Abilities
Tom Johnston.
–  Philosophy
– Derek Conner.
15th –  Our
Spiritual Experiences and Discussion.
– Tom Johnston.
22nd – Meditation – Anne Strachan.
All classes will begin at 7.15 p. 
The tea room will be open after all classes.  Tickets £3.00 will be available at the door.
                                                       The Media Get it Wrong
The media will grab
hold of anything related to psychic, spiritual and paranormal incidents these
days as they draw in the viewers and readers. 
But, do they sometimes jump the gun without looking at the facts?

Several showbiz
stars mention that they have visited a psychic and being told for example that
their spouse/partner is being unfaithful and that does come to pass.  That maybe the psychic’s gift coming into
play or…?  Look up the careers of those
in showbiz and you will see many having countless marriages and divorces.

Then there was the
case of a psychic telling Teresa May she would be Prime Minister of the UK
years before it happened.  That again may
be the psychic powers homing in to what is going to happen or…?  It was around 2012 I was with some friends
when one, a semi-professional gamble who does not bet on horses and greyhounds,
but most other events when he feels he can make a profit.  said he was thinking of having a long-term
bet on Teresa May being PM.  He said she
was a down to earth politician who got on with the job without seeking
publicity.  We all agreed that she
certainly could be a strong candidate if there was a lot of disruption in her

I am not having a go
at the psychics here I am suggesting the media has got its priorities
wrong.  In the case of the lady and her
erring husband there was much better evidence given at the sitting.  First class evidence also given proved there
was life after death to the sitter.  I
suppose the magazine staff felt the headline would attract more readers.

Services Become Question Time.

We hear at almost every
service from the chairperson “If the
medium should come to you please answer in a clear Yes or No.  If you don’t understand something say –  I am not sure and the medium will go back and
ask for some clarification.  Do not feed
the medium with any information.”.

Yet, there has been an
increasing trend over the past few years for the medium to ask question after
question.  Who is Robert, James,
Marion?  The recipient will come out with
Father, brother-in-law, mother etc.  Also,
why am I getting a ball of wool, a tennis racket, and the recipient will tell
the medium once again.  If this is not
stopped it will become the norm and Spirit will be pushed out of our churches
being replaced with psychic links.

There is a stark difference
between the mediumship of the mediums that have been on our platform in the
past and the new generation of today. 
The former may be heard to say “Sorry,
I should not be asking a question
” if he/she does come out with a

It is easy to blame the
medium, but that may not be the full picture. 
A lot of these bad habits could be the fault of their tutor (s) and the
training they received during their development.  Or the mediums themselves leaping on the
platform before they have matured and they do not fully understand the
difference between a psychic and a spirit link.

It is down to our churches
to save the day by not allowing questions to be asked from the platform. 


                                      The First Snowdrops Cause a Commotion.
When I see the first snowdrop flowering it always reminds me of a
friend who was going through a really bad time in her life.   Both her husband and her father passed
suddenly within a few days of each other. 
Then a few days after the second funeral she was told she would have to
go through a serious operation.  Slowly
recovering from the operation, Anne was looking out of the window on a very wet
and windy January morning. She was wondering if it was really worth continuing
with this life.  Then she noticed that two
snowdrops had started to flower in the garden.  She said it was like a sign to her, a small
pin prick of light away at the end of a long dark tunnel.  The snowdrops had battled through frost and
snow to let her know that a new beginning was in the offing.  Spring would soon be knocking on the door
with warmer days and longer days.  She
started to think that she owed it to her husband and father not to give in and
fight through the turmoil of the past year and come into a brighter state of
All of a sudden, a neighbour’s little girl appeared in her garden
and started to pick the snowdrops. Anne opened the door and shouted to the girl
to come back then told her off for picking the flowers. She was floored by the
little girl’s explanation. “I only
took one and it was for my Nan who I am going to visit in hospital this
afternoon. I was not stealing it I left 2p on your doorstep step for the
 As Anne looked down,
there were three snowdrops still blowing in the wind and two-pence on the


                                                                  Your Comments.

Tom – I loved the words of the Absent Healing Hymn
and have to admit although fifteen years in Spiritualism I have not heard it
sung”. BTT.  

I have had a few
emails saying the same thing.  How about
it churches – why not give this hymn a try?

Tom – “I took your advice from you October blog,
Flowers of Hope.  Soon after I planted
Daffodil and Hyacinth bulbs our family was hit with three nasty situations and
we are only just ketting back on our feet. 
Corresponding with us getting over these issues we have a few hyacinths
and daffodils starting to flower.  A sign
for me and hopefully the family also. 
Thank you, Tom,”.

Christmas Eve Silent Meditation … Should we allow Shamanic Drumming as part of our Divine Services? … Everyone has an Achilleas Heel … Communication between Spirit and the individual human being … No need to attend our churches on a regular basis … Your comments …


                                                   Christmas Eve Silent Meditation.
Although the numbers were not high the Glasgow Association’s Christmas
Eve opening for an hour for a Silent Meditation was a great success.  It gave those attending a time to sit in
total silence to allow time for reflection and contemplation.  This allowed anyone who felt the need of the
Church just to sit in the quiet with their own thoughts of Loved ones passed or
maybe send out Healing Thoughts.
This type of service could become more common with different
variations such as such a service taking place close to Remembrance Day.   I
noticed on the York Spiritualist Centre’s page;
Sunday night at York spiritualist centre
we have our peace circle.   We join together sending our loving
energy for peace around the world. It is an evening of sharing our thoughts our stories or readings this is a
night for all to come together as one and enjoy each other’s company”. Come and
join us starts at 6.30 pm 


               Should we allow Shamanic Drumming as part of our Divine Services?

A question asked on Facebook… Should
we allow shamanic drumming as part of our Divine services?”
I must admit I was concerned when I turned up at a church one
evening to find out shamanic drumming was taking the place of the address.  I was soon won over as I felt spirit come so
close and the mediums had a great link with spirit later in the service.  So, it looked as if spirit was happy with the
I also feel that we should make our divine services that little bit
longer and add hands-on healing during the service.  Some churches have tried this and I felt with
the rise in the atmosphere at these services, I felt Spirit also gave thumbs up
to the change.
In both of the above we are not taking anything away from our
Divine Services we are adding to the service.  
Everyone has an Achilleas Heel
and mines seems to be chairing at our services. 
After all the services, workshops and talks I have taken over the past
twenty plus years one would thing chairing would be no problem to me.  Over the years, I have gone out of my way not
to do such a thing and in the past only chaired twice.  Since becoming a committee member of the
Glasgow Spiritualist Association chairing is now part of my duties.  And I have to admit I never feel comfortable
when chairing.  This is the next step in
my progression, to get over this fear.

Communication between spirit and the individual human being has been in place as long as the human race has existed.  Why now do we need the carnival to come to town with money making gurus making a good living. To awaken our true abilities does not need to be as lengthy, as complicated or as expensive as many make it out to be these days

I was asked to meet with a group of five who at different times
came into our churches for a short period and then left.  They did not leave for any negative reasons,
but because they felt their lives had been enriched by attending and it was
time to move on.  There were some
interesting comments…

“I felt at home in
the church met nice people.  Then, after
fourteen weeks I got a message which was extremely accurate.  The following week another message continuing
where the last left off.  This put the
icing on the cake so to speak.  I thought
it a bit strange after that as I started losing interest in the services.  I knew my mother was still around with what
the mediums gave me, something only known to my mother and I.   My lifelong fear of death was quashed.   I started to think what I don’t get around
to doing in this life hopefully I will get done when I move over.  So, I take more time for what I am doing and
enjoying the experiences.”
“I was dedicated
until I got real proof of life after death and then I felt that turning up
every Tuesday was getting monotonous. 
Just like someone tediously turning up for the bingo never winning or
near winning each week.  I got what I
wanted and it opened a new world to me. 
I now work with several voluntary organizations”. 
“My few months in
Spiritualism made me look at myself and my life in a different way.  I felt the Spiritualism had served its
purpose and now I am venturing where I would never have ventured before”. 


                                                         Your comments…

Tom – my small
church has been running for many years with little or no hassle.  When I started up the church I decided that I
was going to have no committee as in my experiences there was always strife in
committees.  I am willing to listen to
the comments from the congregation and before any changes are made I ask
Spirit’s advice.  I go with the flow and
the wee church has been flowing smoothly for many years.  We average out at about twenty-five per service
and that with one special night keeps us in the black

Ideally, I check out
a new medium to the church by seeing them at another church.  If this is not possible I check their
Facebook page which usually is a good indication if they are suitable.  When the time comes, I will be unable to run
the church I will close it down not handing it over.  Someone may wish to start up another
spiritualist church in the hall on that evening, but I hope they choose a
different name, leaving the good reputation of my church intact.

P.S.  I have willing helpers to take over when I
need time off.
Such small independent churches can be extremely successful.  And although many I am familiar with stick
roughly to SNU rules they can be a bit more relaxed to blend in with the
community. You are not the first president of such a church that has closed
rather than hand it over if there was no one suitable on the horizon.  Long may your church continue.   
Comments on “We must act not to save our religion on my previous blog.
TB “Well done for speaking up
for what our religion should be like”.
C “You are fighting a losing
battle.  Your ways are the good old
days.  What we have today is more
suitable for the present”
Conway – “I agree the focus
has now gone from religion to entertainment and celebrities”.
B – “Tom, so much that you
have done in the past has changed so why do you want to encapsulate
Spiritualism in the past?
L – “As a booking secretary I
am given a free hand in whom I book.  For
some time now I have overlooked mediums who advertise themselves on Facebook as
taking the service at our church. That sort of thing is up to me to draw
people’s attention too”.
BL – “Whatever way we get
people to know what lies beyond their last breath is OK with me”.
V – “Piracy, the mediums have
taken over the running of the SS Spiritualism and we are heading into rough
L McL – “Those who prefer
large halls with no hymns or prayers are not looking for religion”.
Several emails about Spiritualist of the year all shocked that
there is such a thing. 
Mary commented “A true
spiritualist would not accept such an award”.
By all means long-service
awards and churches acknowledging those members
who  work hard behind the sense.  But, no, no. no to celebrity style awards
where there has to be a choice between spiritualists”. 
Many of you were shocked that there is such a thing as Spiritualist of the Year.
Mary commented “A true
spiritualist would not accept such an award”.
Bye all means long-service
awards and churches acknowledging those members
who work hard behind the sense.  But, no,
no. no to celebrity style awards where there has to be a choice between

My Diary … 24,500 Hits … Spiritualism and Christmas … We Must Act Now to Save Our Religion … These Awards Must Go.

                                                             My Diary. 
20th – Dunfermline Spiritualist Church
SNU.  3 Lady Campbells Walk, Dunfermline,
KY12 0QH
24th – ASK Dreghorn. 
27th – Kilmarnock
Spiritualist Church SNU
4th ASK Dunfermline,  5 Mowbray House, Main Street, Halbeath, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11

9th – 13th.  The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists,  6/7, Somerset Place,
Glasgow G3 7JT.  A busy few days with four services, private sittings
and an ‘open development circle’.
It is five years since I started this
website.  I started it not to promote
myself, but to promote Spiritualism – the Religion.  It has been extremely successful as in the
past five years it has had 24,500 hits.
                                               Spiritualism and Christmas…
We have both Christian and non-Christian
Spiritualist churches and most mediums serve both.   Recently I have heard comments that the
latter should not celebrate Christmas in our churches.  Special services on Christmas Eve whether it
be a simple candlelit service, a few hours of contemplation or meditation is
out say some.  Others have said that a
Christmas tree should not be in our churches. 
This got me thinking.
If you stay in this country, you cannot
escape Christmas no matter what religion you are or if you are of no religion.  How many Spiritualist do not send or accept
Christmas cards?  Give and receive
presents?  Will be willing to volunteer
to work on Christmas Day to allow those who are Christians have the day off to
celebrate with their families?  Sit down
to a special dinner on the 25th?
Hindus do not
recognize Christmas as a religious tradition, but many do celebrate
it, treating the holiday as a secular festival.
There are Sikhs who do
go and shop for presents and give them on Christmas Day.  Although Christmas is a Christian Festival,
it is celebrated as a Cultural Holiday by many Sikhs who live in western
countries.  Although many do not sing
Christmas Carols they do enjoy them.
Since the Buddhist
teachings are all about peace and goodwill toward mankind, Christmas is a time
when Buddhists can focus on some of the similarities between their religion and
Christianity. They enjoy decorating their temples with what most would
recognize as Christmas decorations. They send and receive cards from loved
ones. They hold vigils late at night and light candles.
Muslim groups and
joining forces with Christian groups in Britain to help the country’s homeless
and other vulnerable groups during the Christmas period. 

Organisations including Muslim Aid, the Al Khair
Foundations, Streetlytes, and churches across the English capital London are
expanding their efforts by providing meals and shelter packs to rough sleepers.
So why not
So many people are sad
and lonely at Christmas, that we should have our doors open whether it be for a
cup of tea, a simple candlelit service, an hour of
contemplation or meditation is out say some. 
The church I am a member and committee
member off – the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists is opening on Christmas
Eve for 1 hour from 4 30pm to 5 30pm. 
This will allow anyone who feels the need of
the Church just to sit in the quiet with their own thoughts of Loved ones
passed or maybe send out Healing Thoughts. 
You may come in any time within this hour & sit for 5min or the full
hour whatever suits. It can be a lonely time of year for some people who have
lost loved ones during the Christmas period. The Church
will be in total Silence to allow you time for reflection and contemplation.
I took a look on the Internet and found that many of our
churches, especially south of the border at this time hold special services at
this time.  One stood out; “Sunday night at York
spiritualist centre we have our peace circle. 
We join together sending our loving energy for
peace around the world. It is an evening of sharing our thoughts our stories or
readings this is a night for all to come together as one and enjoy each other’s
Something all our churches could do once
in a while apart from Christmas.
                              We Must Act
Now to Save Our Religion.
Although Spiritualism is not a numbers
game we have to seriously start taking note of the fall in numbers attending our
services and the number of churches closing over the past year or so.   I have been talking this over with a few
spiritualist friends and here are some of the comments;-

“Our numbers do drop
in the dark nights of winter
”.  Yes, they do, but not as bad as they have been recently and
numbers have been dropping long before the clocks changed.

“Our numbers have
dropped in the past, but we have always bounced back”. 
Again, yes.
But the attitude of the general public at present has changed.  Each year we see increases in psychic nights,
fundraisers, (not organised by our churches) and even psychics taking part in cabarets.  We cannot complain about these nights as
Spiritualism does not have a monopoly with communication with the Spirit World,
but we should make the differences clear.

How do we make the
difference clear?
  This is in the hands of the churches.  Only use mediums who are willing to work in
churches and do not succumb to party nights and working in pubs and clubs.  The medium should decide what path he/she is
willing to take – path of religion or entertainment.  Not taking a divine service one night and
then taking part the next night where drink is being served.  This is totally confusing to members of the

“Drink is not allowed to be served during the
On some occasions
that rule is flouted by drink being brought in before the clairvoyance starts.

 “Most people these days
don’t want church settings want large halls and in an environment where there
is no hymns prayers and addresses”. 
Yes, there are those who look on clairvoyance as entertainment,
but there are also those who are grieving and the church setting is the place
for them.

“Spiritualism needs to change if it is to survive”.  Some would
have us surrender all to the entertainers, but we must not let our pioneers our
religion down.  We can experiment with
what we have.  Clairvoyance, Philosophy,
Healing, Meditation and periods of contemplation.  We can mix this around at our services and
not always have the same format.  Someone
suggested recently that we should have a service where we leave out the
clairvoyance on occasions.  In such instances,
we could have prayers, hymns, philosophy, healing and a time for
contemplation.  Sounds drastic, but not
as drastic as abandoning all that we have worked for over the years.
“Change from the old dreary hymns to modern songs that have
spiritual meanings”. 
Yes, that is being done at many churches, but at the same time I
find most of the hymns selected at our churches are cheerful.

“Maybe we have too many
churches at the moment and the churches closing at the moment is natural waste”. 
The cull will be beneficial to our religion”.  The sad thing
is some of the churches closing have been churches that have been great
teaching churches in the past

Church committees should use their powers and not book a medium
who works in pubs and clubs.  
Yes, that would be a start. 
Maybe not an immediate ban, but let mediums who take part in such nights
know that to protect our religion in the future we will not be booking mediums
who participate at such venues.  Giving
the mediums a chance to decide if they are Ambassadors for Spirit in a
religious capacity or are willing to wander down the entertainment trail.

“What about fundraisers?” 
night make a lot of money for charities and needy individuals. 
charities and local individuals has been part and parcel of Spiritualist for a
long time and I see no conflict here.  As
long as it is run by churches.  Each
church could hold 2-4 of these nights a year. 
With churches arranging such nights Spiritualism the Religion is in
charge, not individuals.  We must protect
our religion or it will go under.

“Would dropping the word ‘church’ and replacing it with the
likes of ‘sanctuary’ make any difference?” 
We all doubted there would be much
difference in numbers with this change.

“Do mediums who tour the country check they are not working in a
town where one of our churches has a service that evening?” 
We could
not say for sure and we are going to check the Internet before we meet again.

“Facebook and Spiritualism – good or bad?”  In many
ways facebook and the Internet have taken over from local newspapers in
advertising a church and its services.  With the local newspaper there was a charge
for every word, now with the new media the sky is the limit and it is
free.  Some churches praise to the
highest certain mediums.  “The medium on
Sunday is the wonderfully talented *** ***”. 
Does that mean that all mediums setting foot on their platform are not talented?”
“Mediums promote themselves “I am on at such and such a church this
”.  Are they asking people to come and see THEM – putting themselves
above Spirit and the church?  See how
easy it is to tip the balance away from religion and closer to entertainment.  A medium once told me that he done this to
promote the church, surely a church is capable of promoting itself?
“The title “International Medium”.  Most had a
good laugh at this.  Unlike a
sportsperson being selected for their country for being best at their sport, a
medium working abroad could have been asked to travel because of befriending
some at a Spiritualist college or on the Internet.  Churches should stop such nonsense from being
mentioned on their platforms.  Not all
Spiritualist mediums who have worked abroad want to be known by this title.

“The cost of workshops – is this  education only for the rich?”.  We all
agreed we know of many who cannot afford the price of many workshops and feel
left out.  Those who came into
Spiritualism at the same time as myself had most if not all education
free.  Churches should be able to get
true Spiritualists to share their knowledge for only expenses or a small
sensible fee.  Also mentioned are those
who feel they are superior because they have been to a workshop taken by a
so-called Spiritualist celebrity.  When I
hear this my mind goes back to a summer many years ago, when I was on holiday and
went out horse-riding every morning.  A
retired top jockey spent a lot of time with me giving me tips etc.  I did not return from that holiday expecting
a trainer to give me a leg-up on a horse running in the Champion Hurdle.
“Dress for the platform” We all agreed that female
mediums were keeping a high standard, but male mediums were starting to be
slipshod with their attire.  Surely it is
not too much for a male medium to set foot on the platform with a jacket and
tie.  Surely in respect to Spirit and our
religion it is not too much to ask that a tie be worn.  Comments like; –
 “In modern society tie
wearing is a thing of the past
”. In our churches, we should
expect such a thing to be the norm.

“Some mediums may not possess a tie these days”.  I am sure
churches could have a tie at hand and loan it out for the service.

“There may be mediums who refuse to wear a tie”.  So,
committees refuse to let them on their platform
Are only excuses for committee members
not willing to run a church the way a church should be run?  Committee members will make-or-break
Spiritualism as a religion.
We ended our last discussion group of
the year after midnight hoping our views will put Spiritualism back on an even
keel, but left concerned that the situation will get worse.
                                                       These Awards Must Go.
I am shaking my head as I look through the
September edition of the SNU’s Today magazine. 
Here we go again as the SNU hands out awards for Spiritualist of the Year and Church
of the Year
.  Surely this type of
award has nothing to do with a religion. 
Surely it is against all that we stand for?  Then as if to calm those who are opposed to
this sort of thing, the last paragraph of the article we have the closing paragraph
Everyone in his own way makes a valuable
contribution to Spiritualism.  Whether
that contribution is great or small it all serves to make the movement
Such awards will not make our movement
stronger it will make many disillusioned. 
If you have a good friend or member of your church who is a good letter
writer there will be  a good chance of
you or your church will be considered for these awards.   
The SNU already have in place awards
that are fair and are more in tune with our beliefs.  The long service awards which are presented
to Spiritualists who have been of great service to our movement.  Twenty-five-years (silver), 50-years (gold),
60-years (diamond).   I will be writing
to the President of the SNU about this and let you know his reply.
A few years ago I brought this matter up
at the AGM of our district council and received little or no support.  I said at the time it is only a matter of
time before we have a TV programme “Medium’s
and I am still of that view.

My Diary … Absent Healing Hymn … The Baton of Spiritualism … Changes to Our Religion … The Day the Nation comes Together … Names that do not appear on the Cenotaph … From Auschwitz-Birkenau to the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium … Flowers of Hope

                                                     My Diary…
16th – Perth Spiritualist Church (SNU)
23rd – Largs Spiritualists Church.  Every night of the week there is a Spiritual
Service somewhere in Scotland, but this is the only one of our churches that I
know that has a service on a Sunday afternoon.
24th – Pollockshaws and District Spiritualist Church.
27th Arbroath Spiritualist Church (SNU)
30th – 1st November – Glasgow Central
Spiritualist Church 64 Berkeley St, Glasgow G3
7th – Saltcoats Spiritualist Church.  A church that has been running for many years
and going against the trend at the moment with close to a full house at every
13th – Ayr Spiritualist Church (SNU).  Probably my favourite hymn in the
Spiritualist hymn book is sung at this church ever week and only at this
church.  In almost quarter a century in
Spiritualism this is the only church where I hear the;-
Absent Healing Hymn.

Enter in the Silence
a while to Pray
the best that’s in you
it all away
our Healing Minute
we Blend
thoughts We sent
All our Absent Friends.
People tired and weary
Hurt by grief and pain
Sick in mind and body
All the World’s the same
Father we would help them
Loving Thoughts, We send
Helping all Thy Children
With Thy Love to Blend
Father We are learning
How to live each day
Helping all Our Brothers
As We sit and Pray
There is much within us
We can always find
Willingly we give it
helping all Mankind.
Music:  In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Words Ron Bowers.

                                                        The Baton of Spiritualism
If only those in Spiritualism thought of their religion as
President Obama though of his Presidency. 
He considered himself as part of a team running in a relay race.  Being passed on a baton from the outgoing president,
running a good race to make his team proud and then passing the baton of to the
incoming president.  I urge
spiritualists, mediums, healers, committee members and committed members of our
churches to think in the same mode as President Obama.  For us to look on our time in our religion as
being handed a baton from our pioneers and passing it on to future
generations.  Not only passing our
religion on, but passing it on stronger than it was when we are being handed the
baton.  The
thing about spiritualism today is that too many in the movement put themselves
before our religion. Celebrity status and financial gain is their main
aim.   Spiritualism must get back on
track before it too late.  We owe it to
the pioneers of Spiritualism.  


                                            Changes to Our Religion.
I’ve had several emails concerning the drop in numbers of those
attending our services and asking what I think the solution is.  I have contacted several Spiritualists for
their views and they vary greatly.  To do
nothing and ride out the storm – to massive changes to our religion.  Spiritualism is not about numbers – it is
about being loyal to God and Spirit and the pioneers of our religion.  Yes, there can be changes, but for the good
of the religion and not just to increase number.  I will give my views in my next blog and they
might not go down well with many in our religion.
                                         The Day the Nation comes Together
Remembrance Sunday, a day that the nation comes
together to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure
and protect our freedom.  It is the only
day of the year that the nation truly unites. 
Then, the following day we are all back to normal in fighting our own
corner and forgetting about the sacrifices made so we can live as we do. 
The effect of each war / armed conflict ripple
outwards through several decades and for those that have been affected.    Those
who have been injured the pain and disability can stay with them for the rest
of their life, whether it be physical or mental.  Families have to carry on without a close loved-one.  There are those families who will mourn a
loved one that gave up their life for their country, yet their names will never
appear on a cenotaph.  They are the men
and women who have not worn a uniform, but worked undercover behind enemy lines
during war and in foreign lands during peace time giving their life for their
country.  We must not forget them.
                                     Names that
do not appear on the Cenotaph
Then we have
a group that seldom gets a mention, but gave up their lives for the war
effort.  In 1943 this country faced a
crisis in coal production as there was only three weeks of coal stock
available. This put the country’s ability to win the Second World War in
jeopardy. The then Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, charged Ernest Bevin,
Minister of Labour and National Service to increase coal production.  So, Mr Bevin decided that from all 18 to
24-year-old men conscripts drafted to serve in the armed forces one in ten were
to be directed – on pain of imprisonment and irrespective of background or
ability – to work underground in British coal mines.  Approximately 48,000 Bevin Boys (as they came to be known) undertook unskilled manual
jobs to release more experienced miners to move on to coal production at the
coal face.   There were many deaths and injuries in
the mines, but there was little or no acknowledgement from the media (or
officially) for their contribution to the war effort. Often, they received
verbal abuse or were spat at in the street and asked, ‘Why are you not in uniform?  Coming
from a mining family I always remember these men also on Remembrance Day.
               From Auschwitz-Birkenau to the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium.  

Still on the subject of war…  If
I had to mention the two places that I have visited that overwhelmed me, it
would be Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp in Krakow in Poland and attending
the Last Post ceremony at
the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium.  Although
not planned I was pleased that I visited Kracow before Ypres.  The
former showed how barbaric and dark the human race can be – and the latter how
we can overcome all the evil and return to the light.

I will not go into detail about Auschwitz-Birkenau
as the displays were heart rendering and the atmosphere is eerie and silent.  It is often said that no birds sing or fly
over Auschwitz.  I paid special attention
to this and not a bird did I hear or see.  
Isabel – my wife – said that as she turned away from the gas chambers as
we were about to leave the camp she heard for a second a bird sing and into her
head came the words “There is always
Then the following year what an upliftment when we visited Ypres in
Belgium and to the Menin Gate for the Last Post Ceremony that has become part of the daily
life in the town. The Menin Gate Memorial to
the Missing is
a war memorial is dedicated to the
British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the area during WWI.  Every night since the end of WWII roads are
closed as the people of Ypres take part in a moving ceremony.  The local people are proud of this simple
but moving tribute to the courage and self-sacrifice of those who fell in
defence of their town.
of Hope.
talking to people of different nationalities after the service one old
gentlemen said that on Remembrance Day he always plants bulbs and when they
bloom in the spring to him is a sign of hope. The spring flowers show that even
after the most severe winter or horrific war – brightness will always shine
through in the end.  Since that day, I
have always planted bulbs on Remembrance Day.


My Diary … Fifty Years … Can Spiritualism Survive by Walter Taylor … I disagree with Mr Taylor … Rami Adham – The Toy Smuggler of Aleppo … Your Comments.

                                                        My Diary…
13th…  ASK –
28th – Prestwick Spiritualist Church.  It is always that little bit special to
attend this church as it is in Community Centre,
Caerlaverock Road, Prestwick, KA9 1HR.   Formerly Prestwick Public School which I
attended for a few years. Entering the building brings back a lot of
memories.  Although I only moved 23 miles
up the road to Beith I have always wondered what happened to my old
classmates.  In all those years I have
only met one of them.
This month
was intentional kept quiet so I could catch up with some of the paranormal
research work I have been asked to do and for some lectures and workshops. 

And most
importantly we celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary.  Fifty-years how time flies.  It has just dawned on me that half of our
married life we have been connected with Spiritualism.  More about this later in the blog.
                                                             Fifty Years.  
This month we celebrated
our golden wedding anniversary – 50 years married. When someone made a comment
married for half a century really made me think in-depth of the last half
If it had not been for
Isabel I would not be where I am today as far as Spiritualism is
concerned.  Isabel was the one who
encouraged me to keep going to the development circle when I felt I was out of
my depth.   Again, it was Isabel who gave
me so much encouragement in the week leading up to my first time on the
platform with four other fledglings.  For
someone with zero confidence that short time linking with Spirit in public was
a complete impossibility for me, or so I thought.  So, I owe a lot to Isobel as well as Spirit
and many others in our churches who gave me the confidence and courage to
continue along this path.
As I look back over the
past fifty-years I feel a tinge of sadness for those couples who have not
reached this milestone.  Those who have
only had a short time to enjoy married life before one passed over.  And those who were so close to this anniversary
or retirement, yet did not get to spend more time together.
                               Can Spiritualism Survive by Walter Taylor, F. S. N. U.
From The Glasgow Association’s  Beacon – May / June 1980
Part 1.
 The question as to whether man survives death is still
scientifically, not yet proven.  I would
like to state what I think is scientific evidence of human survival of
death.  It will be scientifically proven
when the evidence is of such a nature, as when for instance, we put the kettle
on and know that the water will boil at a certain temperature.  This may seem realistically crude, but surely
this is what we mean by scientific evidence?  
This definition may seem philosophically disputable, but in what other
way can we talk about scientific facts?
It would seem, looking at the Spiritualistic scene, that a
scientific basis of the claims made by Spiritualists, will never be
established.  Actually, it is far short
of meeting any such claims!  There may be
evidence coming through that satisfies an individual level, but it is
consistently repeatable evidence that is required.   I may be asking far too much, but should we
not be seeking a reliable system of communication which would lift the
phenomena above the banal and the ludicrous?
I am going to make a suggestion that may not be welcomed by many,
but I ask – Should we not seek a Dialogue with the Society for Psychical
Research?  I anticipate cries of protest,
but let me put the case to you.  First
the S.P, R. does not exist to prove survival. 
Its task is to experiment and explore physical phenomena. It has no
fixed views nor creed nor dogma.  Its
purpose is to “examine without prejudice or preposition, and in a scientific spirit
those faculties of man, whether real or supposed which appear to be
inexplicable on any generally recognised hypothesis”.  I am asking – is it too much to open us a
discussion with the S.P.R. to discuss and experiment into psychic
phenomena.   This is, or should be, OUR field.  Do we want to widen and deepen our field or
are we content and happy with a comforting message from Auntie Mary who will
assure us that all is well with everything and we have nothing to worry
about?  Is that all there is to
psychnomina I would wish to be counted out!       
I disagree with Mr. Taylor. 
Within Spiritualism we not only believe that man survives death, we give
proof.  Whether that proof is accepted by
the scientific community is up to them.  
We do not need to go cap in hand to other groups to get the scientific
acceptance.   All groups have their own
agenda and this changes from time to time depending who it at the top.  I can just see experiments going our way and
then religions and other interested parties infiltrating the group to dumb down
the results.
Hitler, the CIA and KGB have investigated all areas of the
paranormal.  By the state of our planet
today they have not managed to harness any of the power or knowledge to suit
their own causes.  Why?  Why have they not harnessed or made a pact
with those on the other side? Because it is not meant to be.  It is obvious that there will be those who will
be negative in the Spirit World and they are being kept at bay by the positive
realms of this dimension.  Thankfully the
hierarchy of the spirit world are keeping any contact with subversive groups in
our dimension at arm’s-length.
There are some who believe that Spiritualism is the sole agent for
the Spirit World.  Although we may be the
biggest player in getting Spirit’s message across I feel that in many ways our
religion is losing favour with the Spirit World.  I believe that the powers that be are working
more closely with individuals and small dedicated groups. 
Spirit has always worked closely with dedicated individuals,
circles and groups.  Many an artist has
claimed that their work has been influenced by an outside source. If only those
seats of power took time listening to that little voice in their head.  Not telling them what to do, but giving them
a little guidance as where to look to solve a problem.
Let me give one example Dag Hammarskjöld (Sweden) second
secretary-general of the United Nations,
from 1953-1961. He died in an air crash in Africa in 1961 where the details
still remain unclear and many still believe foul play was involved. 
He is looked upon by many as the best Secretary
general the UN has ever had.   He gained a reputation as a peacemaker,
man of faith and a man of peace.  He treated all around him in the
same way whether it is a junior member of his staff, a senior politician or
royalty.   The more I read about Mr.
Hammerskjold they more I believe he has a close link with Spirit.  If only today’s world leaders look of Dag
Hammersjold as a role-model, there our planet would be a more peaceful place
 I do agree with Walter Taylor that Spiritualism should be more than
a comforting message from Aunty Mary.    
                                    Rami Adham – The Toy Smuggler of Aleppo.
After five years of civil war, Syrian children living in war zones
have little to look forward to. But one man is attempting to bring gifts to
Syrian children, along with essential food and medicines.  That man is Rami Adham. 
Few will have heard of Rami Adham a 44-year-old father of six, is a
Finnish-Syrian originally from Aleppo who has lived in Finland since
1989.  Few ever get to know the real heroes of our time we are too busy
worshiping celebrities of stage and screen. 
For the past five years he has dedicated his life to helping children in
Syria and has now visited the war-torn country on 28 occasions, bringing over
80kg of donated toys across the border from Turkey on each trip.
                                                        Your Comments.

Tom, a spiritual
service is not like Royal Ascot it does not need a strict dress-code.  On saying that a suit and tie to be worn is
not too much to ask a male medium who has been given the honour of taking such
a service.
Spiritualism has already
surrendered to the entertainment industry so why not let the tie drop? 
Bennie.  The story about the son going to the races in
memory of his dead father, did he back a winner this year?
Sorry Bennie.  No fairy tale
ending to the Peter’s story.   Of the
horses Peter selected with names related to his father’s life the only one
declared to run was Perfect Pasture.  
horse started at the odds of 50/1 and finished 10th in a
twenty-three runner field.  Peter’s final
comment – “I hope my father enjoyed the
day as much as I did”.
BV – Tom – I don’t
accept your comment that Spirit Guides may be on strike, from what I have
witnessed at my church recently, they are on a go-slow”.
“Tom, spot on with
North Korea.  Leaving this country out in
the cold at our peril.  Neutral countries
must start to build bridges with NK. How about you be one of the
negotiators?”   LN….

My Diary … Dress Code for Our Platforms … Father and Son’s Day Out … Keeping Communications Open … Glasgow Association fills a void …


                                                                     My Diary…
28th – Falkirk Spiritualist
Church (SNU)
5th – The Glasgow Association
of Spiritualists.
                                                        Dress Code for Our Platforms.
There are still many in society who don’t look upon Spiritualism
as a religion.  Our clairvoyance during a
service is the main reason why they think this way.  There are others who feel a paltry Seven
Principles with only 47 words is not enough to guide us through this life and
make us closer to God.  Or Seven
Principles they feel pales in comparison with mainstream religion’s 750,000
plus words in their ancient books of guidance and laws. There will be some who
think that the lack of fancy attire of those taking our services don’t give off
a churchy, religious feel.  I feel that
we don’t need all that is mentioned above apart from the latter, I feel that
dress sense – a simple dress sense – is important on our platforms.
In recent years I have heard many older Spiritualists complain
that dress-sense on the platform is dropping below an acceptable standard as
far as male mediums are concerned.  I
have never heard off or seen any female medium drop below a sensible dress
sense for the platform, apart from some photos on Facebook showing ridiculous
dressing up for Halloween which the churches should not have allowed.  What I am on at here is the dress sense on
our platforms at a Divine Service.
I contacted a senior member of the SNU asking about this and
here is the reply;
 ‘The SNU
has a code of conduct for its exponents which states that ‘for men it
should be a suit, shirt and tie with shoes suitable for a formal occasion.  However, as an alternative, a semi-formal
dress code could be adopted such as jacket, trousers, shirt and tie with smart
Several emails to this site over the past year or
so have mentioned pullovers and open necked shirts are the order of the day as
far as many male mediums are concerned. 
Every year a small group of Spiritualists meet for a weekend discussion
on Spiritual matters.  This year saw our
most heated debate by far and the subject being discussed was ‘proper attire for the platform’.  I was really surprised at some of the
comments advocating that almost anything goes dress sense on our platforms
these days as far as male mediums are concerned.
Spiritualism is surely the most lax of all
religions – we have our Seven Principles, our dress code and very little
else.  We rely on our members / mediums
to respect Spirit, our religion and the pioneers of our religion.  So, surely it is not too much to ask that a
suit/jacket, shirt and tie are worn at our Divine Services and also evenings of
clairvoyance within the church?
I decided to do a small poll and contacted
Spiritualists old and new.  In favour of
the suit, shirt and tie –  54% against
here are some of their comments and comments from
the debate I attended.
Here are some of the comments; –
Tom, life has changed since you came into spiritualism and wearing ties
is a thing of the past.  Once old fogies
like you pass over a tie will be a rarity…..
Yes, trends are changing, but look at how many men
turn up at funerals wearing a tie as a mark of respect.  All I am asking is the same respect in our
“I am with you all the way.
I am an old fashioned girl who likes formality, but at the end of the day it is
the Church Committee who decides what their dress code will be”.
Being a committee member of a Spiritualist Church
is an important position and it is church committees that should enforce the
‘tie being worn’ on their platforms. 
They must decide is this a church they run or a psychic Centre.
I really think
it depends on the weather Tom. Our church is really warm so some people have to
remove their jackets. I personally think that as long as the medium is neat and
tidy it does not really matter, but that is a personal opinion”.
  I agree common sense can come into
play if weather or church is too warm. 
On saying that no matter the temperature I stay with the full dress code
during the service – but I have already been called an ‘old fogie’.
think as long as they are smart, it doesn’t matter. It’s more important in my
view what comes out of their mouth. I’ve seen the smartest of mediums talk a
lot of rubbish, that does our movement a disservice, and heard casual mediums
do a wonderful job. I personally don’t mind”.
“I think that as long as the chair has been asked
then no not in warm weather
men always wore ties and jackets. But now even in high level meetings in the
corporate world, they do not wear ties”.
absolutely agree that male mediums should wear shirt, tie and jacket and when
it is warm in platform, then check in with chairperson to remove jacket
I would say that
presenting themselves at church smart no jeans no jumpers personally I was told
shirt tie and then you ask the chair if you can take your jacket off if the
room is warm and the weather so in answer yes”.
feel they should be appropriately dressed. If it was scorching hot I would
perhaps forgo the jacket. I personally would then like a shirt and tie. If not
hot then definitely jacket too, and smart trousers if they have no suit”.
been told I have to so I do it think it looks better, but when it’s summer in
our church it’s really hot what do you think should be done when church is like
that I not sure”.
“Tom, as you know I
have been taking services at some of the small churches over the past two
years.  I have never worn a tie while on
the platform, never been told to do so or chastised for not doing so.  I can take you point about respect and in
future will start to dress as you recommend. 
Maybe the absence of the tie is why I have not been asked to any of the
larger churches”.
“Tom get on the
committee of a church and see how difficult it is to balance the books.  Then you will realise that it is not how a
medium dress, but how popular he is to draw in a reasonable congregation.  We need money in our collection plates to
keep the doors open”.
For the past three months I have been on
a church committee and realise the financial issues.  The financial strain on some of our churches
is why I have offered to give lectures and workshops free of charge to give
churches a boost financially.  Maybe
others should start doing the same but that is another topic for debate.
“I think
that the dress code for mediums of both sexes is very important. Therefore, in
my opinion, a man should wear either a suit or trousers and jacket with a shirt
and tie and polished shoes.”
“Personally speaking it is only respectful to the spirit and the
religion we are representing to be suitably attired. There is a tendency for
men to now wear open necks because fashion dictates that this is ok. Many
television presenters have open necks but the news readers always wear ties.
There are some shirts that you cannot wear a tie with eg the Gandhi or
oriental style. I have seen these kind worn with suits and a waistcoat and
they look extremely smart. Smartness is very important; Sunday services especially
is a formal service in my eyes. 
Demonstrations of mediumship can be more relaxed but I would still
expect a shirt to be worn.”

“As I have no interest
anymore in Spiritualism I don’t have an opinion about ties or any other aspect
of the movement.  The movement we knew
has died and gone and the thing that has replaced it has going to hell in a
handcart and I want nothing more to do with it?”
Unfortunately, that is the view of many
old-timers.  I know many who have just
upped up and left never wanting to talk about what they once cherished.


                                                           Father and Son’s Day Out
One of my earlier blogs I commented on
an email from Peter.  Peter explained how
there was no grieving when his father died or on the anniversary of his
death.   His dad had suffered so much in
the past two years of his life and could do nothing for himself. “His passing was a blessing” he
said.  But, Peter had to admit that there
was a tear in his eye each year on the day of the AYR Gold Cup.  The day that was so special to his
father.  The only day he went off on his
own leaving the family behind and headed to Ayr Racecourse.
Last week I met Peter for the first time
and he added to the story…
He said that his retirement coincided
with the richest horseracing handicap in Europe changing its day of running
from a Friday to a Saturday.  Peter
decided in memory of his father to go to Ayr Racecourse each year on the running
of this race.  Like his father it would
be the only day he would leave the family behind and venture out on his
own.  On the track he would keep to his
father’s ritual of having a meal, a double malt whiskey and have an each-way
bet on only the one race, the main race of the afternoon the Ayr Gold Cup. 
amazing thing was “
said Peter “it was
as if my father is with me on these occasions
.  I can smell his Old Spice aftershave; I can
feel his love all around me on this day. 
I am certain my dad is with me on
this day each year
”.  The only thing is” Peter went on to say “I must not be listening to dad when picking
my selection each year.
  Dad was
successful with the winnings always being given to the children.  My plan was always to give to the
grandchildren and now the great grandchildren my winnings, but my only
successes since 1992 have been.
1992 – Lochshore  1st – 10/1.  Dad took us camping one year and we set up
our tent on the side of a loch.
1997 – Wild Wood Flowers – 1st
14/1.  My father liked walking in the
country and loved gardening.
2013 – I could not decide between two
Highland Colori  – dad’s love of the
highlands – and Heaven’s Guest which needs no explanation.  I halved my bet and backed both of them ew.  Dad must have been smiling that day as
Highland Colori won and 25/1 and Heaven’s Guest was 3rd 25/1.  So with my each-way betting I got returns on
both of them.
I asked peter what his money would be
going on this year and he said “It will
have to be once again Heaven’s Guest and if a non-runner I will decide between

Piper’s Note, Perfect Pasture or Snap
the other three horses in the race where their names have a
connection to by Dad.
Let’s hope the sun is shining on the 17th
at Ayr and Peter’s father guides him to the winner.
                                                   Keeping Communications Open.
The other evening, I found
myself writing; –
Many joke about North
Korea’s President Kim Jong-un – but he is by
far the most dangerous individual on this planet.

Mr. Putin will only go so far – he will not risk what he already has.

China – although having a vast army and
nuclear weapons, yet it has found its more powerful mode of attack is in in the
financial sector.

ISIS – has FEAR as its main weapon. 
Although this fear has the rest of the world running around in circles
it does not have anywhere near the destructive power of NK.

North Korea is an entirely different kettle of fish as decisions made in Pyonyang
could cause so much upheaval –  life as
we know it could be turned on its head. 
Any nuclear release could contaminate the whole region for many years to
come.  Nuclear contamination respects no
borders and as well as North and South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and other
countries could be affected.

Kim Jong-un being replaced is not necessary
the answer as that would see millions of North Koreans flood over the borders
to China and South Korea.  The Syrian
refugee crisis would pale in comparison.
 We Spiritualists should pray and
campaign for negotiations never to stop no matter how futile the situation may
seem.  North Korea is never going to
trust the US or the UK, so let other countries take the lead.   The Scandinavian countries, Holland,
Belgium, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand etc. should keep the lines of
communications open – keep talking to make the world a safer place.
And we Spiritualists can keep this
volatile situation in our prayers – we need more than help from this planet to
sort it out.
A few hours after I typed this out North
Korea carried out its biggest nuclear test.

The Glasgow Association  fills a great void in Spiritualist in Scotland with ten evenings of Philosophy.